Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91

Well, today was a very good day. A quick trip up and back to Spokane.

Rob and I went with Billie and Keith up to Spokane to have lunch and a quick visit with Jenn, and because neither Rob or Keith had ever been there. We stopped at the casino for lunch with Jenn, then headed out to Post Falls to the Cabela's. On our way back into town we stopped at The Nut Factory, which was kind of interesting...and chalked full of sweet treats. We made one last stop, and then headed home.

With all those activities...a day spent with friends, visiting a casino, stores and factories - do you think I took even one picture? And I SWORE I was going to. Nothing. I really can't even say I forgot - nothing seemed like a Kodak moment I guess...although I know later I will regret thinking that way.

However, here we are at the close of not to worry, I do have a photo. The March calendar!!

I've officially made it three months...woo hoo...100 days, here we I come!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 90

Once again, it is the end of the day, and I'm struggling because I haven't taken one photo.

I took a look at the handy little prompt from Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day Challenge. Today's was just Toy. So I asked Rob if he had any ideas on what I could photograph; I mean what toy do we have around the house besides the dogs' toys??

Then he reminded me about Walnut. Technically I guess he's a toy. He was a Valentine's Day gift this year from cute little cuddly stuffed bear, Walnut.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89

Tonight I had dinner out with the girls. And it was good!

It seems that all of us girls just don't get together much anymore...everyone going in different directions these days. We keep talking about the fact that we need to get together more often, maybe even have a standing date of dinner and drinks one night each month.

But for now, just Billie, Kim and I got together and had a bite at the new(ish) Twigs Bistro. Kim had never been there and wanted to try it out, and I had actually only been there one other time. So we met right after work, had a good round of catching up and some really great food to boot!

Next time I hope it's a whole table full of my favorite ladies!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88

This is Lucy, enjoying the new bed that her Grammy bought her. She looks so cozy and comfy in it, and seems to just love this thing.

On Friday afternoon, Mom and I went out to a couple stores and did a little shopping. At Bed, Bath & Beyond we saw this cute little bed set, just the right size for Lucy. And since Lu didn't have her very own bed at Mom's, she just couldn't pass up the deal...this bed with a matching blanket and dog-bone shaped pillow.

It's a bed fit for a queen, and she is one happy little pup in it. I don't think she's ever had it quite so good!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87

In the midst of our drizzly, dreary day, here is a little splash of color.

I was leaving for work this morning, thinking how gray the world looked...except for the little plum tree in our front yard. It finally started blooming over the weekend, and today it is a splash of pink against a backdrop of gray sky all around.

C'mon us what you've got!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 86

It's that time of year again...Girl Scout Cookie Time!

I did my part to support a local troop...I bought three boxes. They were delivered on Friday...and we hit them hard over the weekend. Today, this is all that remains...the shortbreads. To be honest, and to tattle on Rob and I, this is not even a full box - you will find just one row inside.

Wow...they go so fast. Can't wait until next year!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85

Here's Baylee, tipping her head again...she's just wondering if she heard me correctly. If she had a speech bubble above her head, it would say something like, 'so let me see if I understand, what you're telling me is that I CAN'T get up on the couch with you?'.

I tried to get a photo of this very forlorn pup just seconds earlier when she wedged her snout in the crack of the couch between the cushion and the arm. It was as if waiting to get up on the couch was so much effort, she couldn't even hold her own head up. But before I could grab Rob's phone and snap a photo, she moved. So this was the 'after' photo, of her trying to understand the word No...obviously not her favorite thing to hear.

But who would want to say No to this face very often? Most of the time she just ignores it and does what she wants anyway!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 84

It's Saturday. It's another quiet (a.k.a lame) weekend at our house.

What in the world do you take a picture of when you don't DO anything? Don't get me wrong, we got some things done today, but nothing you would want to take a picture of....I mean who wants to see a picture of me doing laundry, or Rob picking up the lawn furniture strewn about the backyard, yet again? Or even a laughable photo of the two of us trying to work as a team to clip Lucy's toenails?? B-O-R-I-N-G!

So, here's another of my little Easter favorites. It's a mint green tin bucket of sorts, with six pastel painted wooden Easter eggs lying on a bed of paper grass filling. Currently, my coffee table centerpiece.

Only two weeks until Easter!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 83

Today was my Friday off, and although I had every intention of going into work for at least a couple hours, I decided to just take the whole day off. Enjoy a little me time. When Rob got up and left for work, I put a blanket down on the bed and let the pups up to have a snuggle. I grabbed the remote and got caught up on a couple of my favorite shows...didn't even get out of bed until the afternoon.

Once I did get up and moving, I decided a little more me time was in order and I painted the ol' fingers and toes. These toes have been naked all winter long! For Christmas, Mom bought Billie and I both these crazy flip flops that are made for painting your can see, they have those little toe dividers built right in.

So today, I gave them a try, and they actually work pretty well. You can put them on, paint your toes, and then still walk around without worrying about messing them up until they dry.

Pretty handy little invention...why didn't I think of that??

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 82 is March 22nd, the third day of Spring, and we woke up to snow!?! I couldn't believe it. Around midnight last night I let Lucy out, and there was a rain/snow mix with quarter-sized snowflakes. I certainly didn't think it would stick though. And not a lot did. Just enough to make you go ugh.

I have to admit, the day did sort of come around though, with some sunshine and warmerish temps. So after work I decided to go for a walk down on the bike trail that we have all this daylight, I'm trying to take advantage of it. I couldn't help but notice as the sun was setting the hills were pretty again, but this time with such contrast...snow on Joe Butte, and sun peeking through all around, highlighting the windmills that appear like little sticks, poking up out of the hillside.

All I had on me while walking this time was my phone I took a pic and ran it through Instagram again. I'm really starting to like that app.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 81

I will? Spend many years in comfort and material wealth? I wonder when those years will be, and exactly how many is many?? Oh well, the surprise of life I guess.

Tonight Mom, Billie and I went out for some Chinese food, and this was my fortune. I snapped a photo of it on our table before we left the restaurant, just so I could text it to Rob.

But...I ended up taking no other photos today, so I guess this will just have to do for my 365 photo.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 80

Vernal Equinox; the time at which the sun crosses the plane of the equator towards the relevant hemisphere, making day and night of equal length.

Yay...Spring has sprung! I'm not sure where all the sunshine has gone or and why the wind is blowing yet again, but I'm ignoring it all because today is the first day of Spring! And as the definition states, that means the day and night are equal...and the days, they just keep getting longer!

I love this tree at my office, especially this time of year. I started watching it last week and saw that little pink buds were starting to emerge. Then yesterday, more and more buds became flowers as the day went along. Today it is nearly in full bloom, I think to celebrate Spring along with us. It's hard to believe that almost exactly two months ago, this little guy was buried in snow (see Day 18).

I'm glad I got a few photos...because these pretty pink flowers will be gone before we know it, making room for the leaves of summer.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 79

Sweet and Spicy Chicken...Trish Style!

I had not yet photographed anything today, so when dinner time rolled around, I decided to snap a few pictures of what was for dinner...a dish I invented one night, that has stuck with me. I went a little crazy and ended up taking step-by-step photos, like all of the blogs and websites I see on Pinterest. I know it's kind of weird, but just humor I humor myself!

This was originally Sweet and Spicy Pork Chops, but works well with chicken too. The best part is all you need are a few ingredients, ones that are usually on hand.

Start by chopping a medium apple and a medium red pepper, then throw them into a pan with a little olive oil. Cook down for few minutes, until apples start to become translucent, and peppers soften.

Then add your meat right on top. I would recommend 2 to 3 large chicken breasts (cut into pieces) or 3 to 4 pork chops/loins. Season any way you like. I used ground pepper, seasoning salt, and a little garlic powder. Next, sprinkle with red pepper many or as few as you like...I personally like a little heat.

Once your meat has cooked on the first side, turn over. Add 2 to 3 tbls of apricot-pineapple preserves. Again, you can add as much as little as you like, and you can substitute with orange marmalade, or some other jam or preserve to your liking. You really will not taste the distinct flavor. It cooks down along with the apple, and becomes the 'sweet' in your Sweet and Spicy.

When your meat is nearly done, remove from the pan and set aside in order to mash your sauce. I usually just take a potato masher, or a large serving fork to break down any remaining chunky ingredients, into a chutney-like consistency.

Add your meat back into the sauce, and simmer for a few more minutes until sauce thickens and meat is cooked through.

Dish and serve!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 78

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity, hoppity,
Easter's on its way! Yay!!

Even though yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, I gathered up all of the decorations...not that there were much of them to gather. None the less, it had to be done. There is little time to waste, Easter is only a couple weeks away.

So, today the Spring tote came out, the St. Patrick's Day stuff was put away, and out came the pretty pastels of Easter. The house looks so cute, with little bunnies and eggs all around. It makes me happy to stand back and see everything looking so fresh.

On my ladder shelf are two of my favorite things...things I'm pretty sure I picked up just last year...a dozen pastel speckled eggs, and a ceramic momma and baby bunny.

I'm sure this won't be the last of me sharing my Easter decor. On a day when I can't think of a thing to photograph, I'll shoot another one of my favorites.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 77's another photo of my scrap space. It's not exactly what I promised my next photo would be...a neatly organized, highly functional space. my defense...that's only because I forgot to take a 'before' photo.

Last night I went to dinner with Mom, and afterwards we stopped by Target. I got quite a find...a two-shelf organizer unit for only $10 bucks! I knew it was just what I needed to help get my space in order.

So, after Baylee woke me up at a very early 6:15 this morning, I thought I was headed back to bed to get some more sleep. But that room, that space, that kept calling to me. So I gave up, got out of bed and started organizing.

I got it just the way I wanted, only to start a project just a few hours later, and have it end up looking like this! Oh well, it was fun to get organized, and fun to reacquaint myself with all of my stuff. It was like putting the training wheels back on again...I had to get familiar with my Gypsy and my Cricut again, and take a look at all my stashes of stuff, all of my stamps, and not to mention the new stuff I had purchased and never put away...which left me feeling a little overwhelmed, but I'm certain I'm on the right track now.

The next photos will not of the space, but of the creative things made here!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76

Getting my green on today with some minty-chocolate cupcakes.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, and my co-worker and friend Bre's birthday. So, just like last year, I thought I had better make some cupcakes in honor of both. Cupcakes 'cause it's Bre's birthday...minty and green 'cause it's St. Patty's Day.

I ended up frosting half of the cupcakes with the traditional swirl top, but the other half I tried a flower style, which ended up resembling a hydrangea a bit (not that I've ever seen a mint green hydrangea...).

I'm certainly not a fan of the mint...I happen to think it makes most things taste like toothpaste...but I have to admit I did enjoy a couple of was more a hint of mint, and didn't overpower too much.

Today also happens to be an anniversary for Rob and I. Six months ago today we got engaged. I had really hoped to get a photo of the two of us for today's photo of the day, but with everything going on, it did slip my mind until this afternoon, and with our work schedules today I probably won't see him until it's time for bed. So, I guess it's a good thing I had a photo of one of my other favorite things!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 75

The hills, they looked so pretty tonight on my way home. The sun set them aglow in places, even though the sky was a bit dark and dreary.

I took several shots...close up you couldn't really get the full view of the hills, and further away, just brought in more ugly sagebrush. I settled on this middle of the road.

I'm hoping this is a glimpse of things to come...spring sunshine!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 74

Mmmmm...Rice Krispie Treats. Who doesn't love a good ol' fashioned treat...or two...or three??

Rob had an all-day meeting today in Yakima, and was asked to bring a snack for 16 people. So, we talked about it while grocery shopping on Sunday, and realized we needed something that was quick and easy, easily transportable and decidedly yummy. Voila!

I meant to take a photo of this plate piled high with two batches of treats this morning before he left the house. But like what is so typically me - I forgot. Thankfully though, not every one of them were devoured by his co-workers, leaving us a few to enjoy tonight. So, here's a photo of few that survived the day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73

So today I did it. I made the switch on Facebook over to the new timeline format. I have been fighting the transition, but I keep hearing that by the end of the month everyone will be switched over anyway, like it or not. So I decided to see what it was all about. I guess I'm on the 7 day 'ease in' plan, where my page won't be published in the timeline format until March 20.

So, at work today I got started. There were a few features I liked, like the Life Events thing. So, when I got home from work tonight, I decided to add a few photos that go with my life events, like buying my house, and some of my travels.

Here's me...embracing change!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 72

Since I was such a slug this weekend (I blame Daylight Savings Time), I was really feeling like I needed to get some things done at home today. I went in to work and quickly announced that I would be taking the afternoon off to tend to some personal business.

Once I finished the bulk of what I needed to do, I decided to head out for a walk. I had been so focused on the things I needed to get done, I hadn't really paid attention to the weather. I went down to the bike path to walk my 3 miles, only to realize once I was down was very windy, consequently kind of cold, and threatening rain. Ooops!

Well, I persevered, and managed to make all three miles, stopping to take a few photos on the way. I ended up liking this one the best...a shot of the American Flag waving in the heavy winds atop our Blue Bridge.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71

Okay, okay, I'm grabbing at straws again. Or shamrocks anyway.

Today we sprung ahead. Although I am all for having daylight an extra hour in the evening, this whole stealing an hour away from me in March only return it to me in November, is kind of for the birds!

Yep, the whole thing makes me kind of sluggish, and even a little grumpy. I had really wanted to get up and go to church this morning, but just couldn't do it missing that hour of sleep. Rob and I eventually rolled out of bed in time to head over to Mom's for brunch around noon (or was it 11??). We did manage to get a few crucial things accomplished today, but none of them picture worthy.

Like many other days, I now find myself on my way to bed and racking my brain for a suitable photo. I just realized my St. Patrick's Day decorations will only be around a few more days...and then it's quickly on to Easter baby! So, I decided just to 'feature' another one of my decorations...cute little green wood shamrocks with plaid ribbons adorning my wall.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70

Here it is...a boring picture to go with our boring day.

Rob and I just couldn't get motivated today. We finally got going this evening, and decided that we would grab dinner and rent a movie. We had both wanted to see Hugo, and in scanning the available rentals online, realized it was out already.

So we got ready, went to Hacienda Del Sol for some really good Mexican food, and picked up Hugo at the Redbox down the street.

We settled in to watch the move, and once it was over...or more accurately, about half way through, we decided the movie was not what either of us had thought it would be. It was a good movie...a little slow moving...but just not at all what we had expected.

Anyway, I'm glad we at least did something today, this being our anniversary (eight months ago today we met), even if it was just dinner and a flick!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 69

Wow! Do you see that? Mother Nature blessed us with a glimpse of Spring today.

Even though it was my Friday off, I spent a few hours in the office. When I left work, it was BE-U-TI-FUL outside! I couldn't believe it when Chelsea the Charger read 72 degrees on the ol' temperature gauge. I just had to pop the sun roof, crack the windows and enjoy the ride for a bit...anticipating the bounty of good weather ahead.

And if you are really paying attention...yes, I took the photo while going 60 down the highway. You just never know when those photo ops will pop up!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 68

Tonight we dined at Anthony's Home Port. And it was good!

Yesterday, the IRS was kind enough to place my tax refund into my checking account. The first thing I wanted to do was take Mom out for a nice dinner. She is always treating...well...everyone. She's either buying breakfast or dinner for Rob and I, or treating on a girls night with Billie and I. I figured it was about time she got treated.

I asked her if she was up for dinner out last night, but she thought tonight would be better. Thankfully, Rob didn't have to work so we were were all able to go out together. We tried to arrive in time for the Early Bird Special, or as they call it - Sunset Dinner. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I think), when we arrived there was a wait, and we missed the window for placing our order. So, darn it, we were forced to order a couple delicious appetizers, and some really tasty entrees.

We all left stuffed to the gills (hehe), and happy as clams (haha)!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67

I'm not sure why, but I still marvel at the moon.

I was driving home from work tonight, and looked outward at the end of the freeway, and there was our enormous moon coming up on the horizon. It was so pretty, reflecting the pinks of the sunset on the opposite side of the world. I raced to get off the freeway and find a place where I could capture a photo, unobstructed.

Unfortunately, the moon worked faster than I did. Amazingly within what seemed like seconds, it was rising higher and higher, and becoming smaller and smaller. I did manage to get a pretty decent shot of it, just one day shy of being full.

Too bad the cityscape (and traffic lights!) takes away from its beauty.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66

No need to worry that I've lost my mind...I am fully aware of how lame this photo is.

I really want to keep this up, but with my very unexciting life, it is truly becoming a struggle to photograph something each and every day. I have to admit, I was lying in bed and remembered that I had not shot anything today...nothing at all. So, I went to those old trusty lists I keep referring to, and saw that on the Capture Your 365 Inspiration list for March, today's prompt was Negative Space.

I thought a little about it, Googled a few image examples, and then got out of bed and looked around the house. Unfortunately, not much negative space to be found. Then I remembered these little dragonflies on a very blank white wall in the bathroom. very lame, negative space photo shoot finished!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65

Her little pug face is so dark, it's hard to see...but here's Ms. Lucy with a mouth full o' fuzz!

For Christmas Molly got her a toy that looked just like her...a cute little butterfly with big bug eyes! Lucy went right to it, first chewing the antennae off, and now has somehow slit the poor little bugger's throat, releasing his inner stuffin'! For a sweet little dog, she's kind of ruthless with her toys. I think this sad little butterfly has seen his last days.

I was trying to use the Capture Your 365 Inspiration list for March...which was On the Thirds today. I tried to use the rule of thirds, but with the furniture in the background and Mom's foot to the left, I kind of blew it. It's so hard when trying to quickly capture a photo with your phone!

Onward we go though...maybe I'll be more successful on the next challenge!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64

It really needs no's colorful, it's delicious, it's Round Table's Maui Zaui Pizza.

It's probably my favorite pizza, and it's what was for dinner at our house tonight. I think it was probably one of Rob's favorite pizzas too, but now that he's discovered New York Richie's, I'm thinking all bets are off.

Rob and I both had a lot of office work to get done today. As the afternoon quickly turned into evening and we were both still on our computers, I decided I didn't really want to stop mid-stream and start cooking dinner.

Once we decided to splurge on pizza, I decided to go one step further and splurge even more on Round's been a long time since we've had anything but a $10 Pizza Hut pizza. Not that there's anything wrong with those, but sometimes you just have to satisfy a craving, and this Maui Zaui certainly did the trick!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63

This is all that remains...the very last sips of our melted down Slurpees!

Today was a gorgeous day...minus the very gusty winds. But, if you waited for the wind to stop blowing around here to enjoy good weather, you'd be waiting a long time.

So Rob and I took advantage of the very nice, almost warm afternoon and actually got off our tired butts and went down to the river and walked three miles along the bike trail. As a treat to ourselves for a job well done (baby steps, you know), we stopped at 7-Eleven for Slurpees...a traditional Coca-Cola for Rob, and a Crystal Light one for me.

I'm ready for some really nice weather so we can do this again soon!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 62

Here she is...our sweet little Lu.

Last night, Baylee spent the night over at Grandma's house so they could have a cuddle together. This meant Lucy got to be the Lone Ranger, and have run of the house. But rather than be excited, I think she may have actually missed Baylee. When Rob and I woke up this morning, we found Lucy all curled up in just a little sliver section of Baylee's bed, butted up against her blanket, nearly half hanging out. She sure is a sweet and funny little dog!

I took this picture with my phone, and adjusted it using Instagram (as well as yesterday's pic of Baylee). I've been seeing many photo and scrapbook blogs and sites using this, so I finally downloaded the free app to see what it was all about. I have to admit I'm having fun playing with it, changing up photos, creating some original looks...putting a new spin on the hum drum phone photo.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 61

Here she is, our sweet Baylee girl...referred to by the staff at the vet's office as Drama Queen, getting a chiropractic adjustment. Yes, even our four-legged friends need some TLC on their spines.

Baylee has been seeing a chiropractor (which just happens to be her regular vet), since she was about 2 1/2 and became paralyzed from her mid-section back. I know some folks might think chiropractic treatment is a little hokie, let alone on your animals, but all I know is Baylee couldn't walk, and now she can - so I'm not asking a lot of questions.

She doesn't look too enthused to be getting the treatment, but she sure seems to feel better afterwards...a bit like a spry young pup again.