Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving Day!

So the day finally arrived...moving day. We are all so happy and proud of Billie. After months of planning, coordinating - oh and don't forget STRESS, it is all coming together!

On Thursday, Mom and I helped Billie move...well along with two strapping young men from HELP U MOVE! We got the bulk of stuff put into the new garage and ready for unpacking. Then Friday and Saturday were just spent trying to help her unpack and organize all of her belongings. Whew...moving is hard work!

Congratulations Billie...may you spend many happy years in your beautiful new home!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Funny Thing I Saw Today...

OK, so this post is not scrapbook, card making or otherwise memory related. I just saw something a little odd today, and happened to have my camera with me in my bag. It's not everyday you see a couple folks on horses in the drive through at Starbucks. I guess even horseback riders need their daily cup of Joe!

Back to School Time

A few days ago, my mom asked me to make a couple cards for her. My nieces are headed back to school and she wanted to send them cards with some back-to-school fun money inside. I gave her these two cards this morning on my way to work, so she could get them off in the mail - those kids seem to go back to school early in Texas!

I hope Rachel and Kendra like their cards, and what's inside!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Kennedy

Even though our sweet little Kennedy turned 2 over a week ago, we celebrated her birthday here on the 'East Side' today. She got all kinds of good stuff, including a new bike from Grandma Judy, a table and chair set from her Auntie Billie, a fun blanket from Brittany, and some dress up clothes from her Aunt Trish...not to mention some pretty cute outfits, but what 2 year old cares about clothes?

The card I made her was certainly not elaborate, but was fit for a princess!