Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 216

Happy Birthday Hubby!

Today is Rob's 46th Birthday...and the third time I've been so lucky as to share his birthday with him. And the third year in a row I've made him these delightfully sweet, yet slightly tart lemon cupcakes. They really are so very good...and summer refreshing!  I guess after three years running, they are officially part of his birthday tradition.

Mom made him a delicious ham dinner, so we went over and celebrated his birthday at her house. He did pretty good for a birthday boy...he got a new iPhone and case, a weed whacker/edger, and a little homemade ice cream maker...that Baylee and Lucy helped him open. Oh, and Baylee and Lucy were busy with the gift giving too - they got him some new Rosary beads, and a new water bottle.

It was a good day...a good Sunday, and a good Birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day Bean. ♥

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 213

Tonight the Tri-Cities Young Adult Ministry met at the Cinco de Mayo restaurant in Kennewick.  Tom and Trina asked us if we would like to join them, because Bishop Tyson was coming down from Yakima to speak.

So after work, Rob and I headed over...and I was so glad that I did.  We met some great people...even some not-so-young adults, and some folks from other parishes.  Most importantly though, I enjoyed the Bishop, and his topic and talk so much.  After the crazy week I've had, it was a much needed 'reboot' of sorts!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 200

So here it is - our scrapbook space.  Isn't it lovely?  Trina and I got set up last night and I got just a few things done, but really started to dig in today.

We turned the dining table around and each took an end.  Then we took TV trays, the window sills and lots of floor space to set out all of our very important and necessary tools and supplies.  Just out of the shot is a small chair and end table that Trina set up as our Cricut station, so that it is convenient for use, but yet out of the way.  This has really made for a great scrap space...and the best part...the view.  And, so too you can enjoy the view...I've included photo of what's just beyond those windows!!

Day 201

♫ ♪ Just sitting on the dock of the...lake...♪ ♫

Alright, so it's not a bay, but you get the picture. Just sitting down on the dock, in my pj's mind you watching boaters and kayakers and skiers and fishers, and taking in a little morning sun before before I head in to shower and clean up for the day.  Seriously...this is the life!

There's plenty of wildlife to check out down here too...dragonflies, ducks, geese and little tiny fishies.  There is an eagle that lurks among the trees too, but he's tricky to spot, and to capture a photo of him (or her) - well, even trickier.  I did manage to get this little duck family taking off from the shore...all in precision alignment.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 199

Greetings from Lake Cocolalla!

Trina and I loaded up the car...and I mean LOADED...and took off about 1:00 this afternoon (had to get my hair done first...important stuff!) headed toward Idaho.  We stopped in Rathdrum for a few groceries to get us by, and then on to the lake.

We arrived safe and sound at the DaValle's cabin around 5:30 and almost immediately headed down to the dock.  Ahhh...deep breath, fresh air, quiet = relaxation!

It's beautiful weather, it's beautiful scenery.  I can't wait to unpack, get all my scrappin' stuff out, and take all this in.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 179

It is summer, and it is BBQ Season!  And this is how we do BBQ on a Friday night at the Auchmoody House!  Yum!

Tonight I cooked Rob and I up quite a feast.  I baked a couple potatoes, and made some beer bread.  While they were baking, I made spinach with mushrooms and bacon, and threw a couple big fat steaks on the grill.  Topping off the meal...a Widmer Citra beer...light and refreshing.  The whole combo was really spot on!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 164

Our little Lucy turns 6 today!

Rob reminded me at work today that it was Lucy's birthday...I have to admit that I had forgotten.  Poor girl, she so unassuming, and so passive, she seems to get forgotten often.

Well, I tried to make it up to her by stopping by Blylee's on our way home and picking her up a special Happy Birthday doggie bone shaped cookie.  She seemed to really like it - so much so, it was hard to get her to 'pose' for her birthday photo.  But she's a good girl, and humored me long enough to get a picture.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!! ♥♥

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 153

This is how the girlies help with yard work! It actually is helpful when they behave themselves like this, and just lie in the shady grass, instead of trying to wander around and visiting neighbors!

Awww...fresh cut, cool green grass on the belly. This must be the life!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 139

This is how Lucy rolls.  She prefers a pile of laundry that smells like Mom and Dad, to her stinky bed that smells like her!

We were just getting ready to turn out the lights tonight, and I could HEAR Lucy, but I couldn't see her.  She wasn't in one of her usual spots...then I followed the snoring and found her here, just outside the closet, next to the hamper.  Silly little dog!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 138

Here she is, the Bride To Be...all aglow!

Today was Billie's Bridal Luncheon, which really turned out to be somewhat of an all day affair.  First we gathered at Kim's for mimosas and a few eats to toast the bride.  Then we headed to Hot Spa Nails for pedicures all around.  Finally we ended up at Anthony's for lunch, and an intimate bridal shower of sorts.  It was low key, with just the group of us girls...friends forever, and of course Mom...because, well, she's everyone's mom and I have to say I don't mind sharing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 137

It's just lil ol' me.  Most everyone who knows me knows I hate being on this side of the camera.  But every once in awhile, I get a wild hair.  Maybe I'm having a good hair day, or a good make up day, or it's just the right light, or the right angle...whatever. 

Today was one of those days.  I had just finished my hair, and was sitting in the bathroom putting on my makeup and decided to snap my own photo - truth be told to send it to Rob while he was out working.  Other than my big nose...I thought it was a decent photo of me.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 132

Happy Mother's Day!
I had a great day, spending the day with my mom.  After church, Rob dropped me off at her house and her and I went out and about.  Mostly we spent the day getting odds and ends taken care of for Billie's Bridal Lunch coming up this weekend.  But we also had lunch, and ran out to Christine's to visit her and Aunt Marlene.
That's where this picture was taken, just outside Christine's window along her fence line was this brave little quail...rather close to the house.  I could only get his back side of course...but you get to enjoy the view he's taking in!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 131

Look...aren't we cute?  And aren't they cute too??

Tonight was the Christ the King School's 5th Annual Dinner and Auction Fund Raiser.  Thanks to Jerry and Britt Han, the Huntingtons and we were invited to join them at their table.  It was a very generous offer that we gladly took them up on.  So we put on some of our best duds and headed out for dinner, and entertainment of sorts.

We had a great time, even though we threw in the towel kind of early.  Jerry and Britt had to leave due to kid troubles, and Tom and Trina had to take of to nurse Tom's post-surgery knee.  And, after having a banquet last night as well, we didn't really have our dancing shoes to speak.

We are so thankful to the Hans for the invite, and hope to get together again with them, when we don't have to cut the night short!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117

This very cute puppy that you see here lying in her actually the brat dog that kept me up most of the night!  She looks cute, but looks are deceiving.

We arrived last night at our motel pretty late.  After stopping for the puppies, getting stopped by the Oregon State Police, and stopping for dinner, it was about 11:00 pm before we actually got checked in.  And although Rob and I just wanted to settle in and get some sleep, Baylee and Lucy had other plans.  Baylee just could not get settled.  I guess it was the strange location, but she wanted to go out at midnight, and again at 2:00 am, and then wanted breakfast at 5:00.  I tell you, this pooch is gonna be the death of me.  And just look at her now, all comfy now that the rest of the world is up and awake!

We are in our room getting ready to go pick up Sequoia and have some breakfast, and then see where the day takes us!  At least it's a nice Portland day clouds in sight!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52

On Tuesday I explained that I was trying to start a new habit of getting up an hour early each day in observance of Lent.  Well, also for Lent, I decided to give up Diet Pepsi...which then leads to all soda really.  And you know, just for kicks, you really shouldn't have caffeine if you are trying to get pregnant. 

So, here you have what is left in the world (besides loaded with sugar lemonade) for me to drink...cans of...water.  Calorie free, caffeine free, sodium free, artificial sweetener free, and let's be frank...taste free!  But I have to admit I do enjoy the little bit of fizz, rather than water straight from the tap.  But I use the word 'enjoy' quite loosely! 

Although I am enjoying starting my day with the daily readings and am hoping to make it a habit, I am not enjoying my Diet Pepsi free life, and look forward to Easter when I can crack one open again!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 51

Oh, it's those two silly girls again!  This time they are basking in the sunshine at Grammy's house.

Mom sent this photo to me this morning...and her text along with it said, 'Had to take this of the girls.  Lu is asleep sitting up!!'  That silly dog, I think she's afraid she just might miss something if she actually lies down and relaxes.  But not Baylee, she's all about relaxation, and where better to do it than in the rays of the sun?  Enjoy girls!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50

This is my stack of daily reading.  This morning I was up at 4:45 reading them.  Yes, ME...up at 4:45!  I don't think I've been up that early since I was on a fire assignment.

Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and marked the beginning of Lent.  One of the things I'm doing in observance is getting up an hour earlier each day to read these books, each of which have a specific daily reading.  I find it hard to carve out time normally to do this, so I'm taking this opportunity to try to form a new habit. 

Now, an hour early is actually 5:00, but I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so up I got, went to the couch and started reading.  The first of the books, really more like a flyer, has daily reflections specifically designed for Lent...Called to Life, Called to Love.  The little mini book LivingFaith is a daily devotional published quarterly.  The third book Give Us This Day is a daily prayer book which includes daily mass, readings and prayers published each month.  And finally there is the Magnificat - Year of Faith Companion, which provides something different each day, either a reflection or meditation or prayer, that is designed to take you through the entire Year of Faith, as designated by Pope Benedict XVI.  Each of these is a relative short read, and combined together is like a little exercise for the soul...bending, stretching, aligning. 

I have to admit, as much as I do not like getting up early, and am not a morning person...I'm kind of digging starting my day this way!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 49

It's the Luck O'The Irish!  I had fully expected to get all of my Valentines put away and my St. Patty's Day out long before now, but it just didn't happen.

With yesterday being such a very long day, it was good to have a third day off today for President's Day.  Rob and I were able to sleep in a little, and just spend the day lazily getting a few things of which was finally decorating. 

Once I was done I snapped a few pics, and took those boring old things and tried out another photo app, PhotoGrid.  I have seen Bre do some pretty cool things with this app, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  This isn't all that cool, but it did the job...showcased some of my green all in one photo group.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48

Wow what a great day!  A very long day, but a great day!

This morning Rob and I attended mass and the Rite of Sending.  I was so glad Mom was able to make it too, to see us both stand before the parish with Tom and Trina, and to see me sign the Book of the Elect.  As someone who has not been baptised, signing the book puts you into the book of life, so to speak - sealing your covenant with God.  Boy was I nervous and excited, and very thankful I didn't cry!

After church we made a stop at the house for a quick bite to eat and to take the pups over to Mom's.  Next stop...Tom and Trina's.  We picked them up and headed to Holy Family Parish in Yakima.  And what a lovely day for a drive it was!

When we arrived, we headed to the gathering space of the church where there were probably a couple hundred people.  There were catechumen, candidates, sponsors and RCIA leadership from about 20 or so parishes in the diocese, all there to meet Bishop Tyson in the Rite of Election.  Once we filed into the sanctuary and were seated, we were called to the front parish by parish.  Our names were read one by one as an introduction to the Bishop.  With a quick bow of acknowledgment, the Bishop then signed our Book of the Elect and we returned to our seats.  For some reason it wasn't near as nerve-racking as standing before our whole parish. 

After the ceremony was over, we took a few photos outside and then headed out.  Tom, Trina, Rob and I headed to the Olive Garden where we had a very nice dinner.  A great end to a most wonderful and memorable day.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47

Here are the results of a successful day of shopping. Mom and I had a good time out hitting the mall this afternoon...and I have the picture to prove it!

Tomorrow is a big day for Rob and I at church.  First, we will both (along with all the others in our RCIA group) be called to the front of the church for what is called the Rite of Sending - where we (and our sponsors) declare that we have accepted the tenants of the Catholic church, and as a result our parish will 'recommend' us to the Bishop.  Then Rob and I and our sponsors, Tom and Trina, will head to Yakima to actually meet with the Bishop in what is called the Rite of Election. So, standing up in front of the parish, then meeting the Bishop - a girl needs something new to wear, am I right? 

Mom and I started at Shopko where I grabbed one blouse...kind of a panic move, that 'what if I don't find anything better' kind of purchase.  This may or may not remain as part of my wardrobe.  Then we hit the mall, and Christopher and Banks was having a buy one get one 1/2 off sale, so I found a nice sweater for tomorrow and scored an extra everyday type shirt at 1/2 off...and Mom scored an outfit for herself too.  The only problem was, I couldn't find any new black slacks I liked. 

Thankfully, I also needed some Bare Escentuals so we headed to Macy's and got what we needed, but decided to make a pass through the Women's department...and score again!  Not only a nice, reasonable priced Alfani pair of slacks, but a lovely striped sweater too!  I think I've just found my outfit for tomorrow.  And the other sweater...well there are several more Sundays to be called to the front of the church!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46

Today, I'm gathering up all of the Valentine's decorations and putting them away - and tomorrow, out comes St. Patty's Day!  I had three Precious Moments displayed for Valentine's Day, and I showed one way back on January 14...the little girl with the plate full of heart cookies.

Before I put them all away for the season, I thought I would show this other sweet little girl.  She's called Our Friendship Is In The Bag.  She has a heart shaped purse, and a little dangling heart charm on her bracelet.  And her little pig tails are just too cute!

I took the original boring photo and experimented a bit with my Pixlr Express app, giving it some life in the way of a distressed or shabby look.  What do ya think?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45

This is what I woke up to this morning - a vase full of colorful daisies, and a beautiful card from MY Valentine!

Rob and I had agreed (I thought) that we were just doing cards.  With us having church tonight, and trying to eat better and cut out sweets, and starting our observance of Lent yesterday, it just seemed to leave very little to the imagination of what to do in the way of a 'traditional' Valentine's Day.  We agreed to to put it on hold, and do dinner and a movie or something this weekend.

I have to admit though, the flowers were a nice touch and very thoughtful, and I loved how sneaky he was in getting them.  There are not a lot of hiding places in our house, so when I asked how he had managed to pull it off, he said he had got them yesterday, and hid them in the shower of the spare bathroom overnight!  Clever fella, my Valentine!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your special Valentine! XOXO

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44

Score another one for Grammy! After we picked the girls up from her house last night, she took a trip out to Target, and found another nice bed for Lucy, and it was on sale! 

It's a little bigger than the other bed she had before, and it's quite plush too...kind of like a pillow-top as well. Obviously the beds are different, but both are chocolate brown on the inside, complimenting each other, and Mom's decor.  Very nice finds Mom!

This picture is actually courtesy of Mom.  She texted it to me this morning so I could see the girls, all snuggled up in their new beds right next to each other...quite content.

Boy, thanks again Grammy!!  We love coming to your house where we are treated like royalty!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43

That Grammy, she sure is good to her grandpups!  She has been on the lookout for new beds for the girls since Christmas.  And I feel her pain, it is rather difficult to find two of the same, or even similar beds, one medium for Lucy and one large for Baylee.  Good thing Mom isn't as hung up on the whole matching thing as much as I am, but she still wanted nice beds, at a reasonable price...not an easy task.

Well, today she scored one for Baylee.  A Kirkland bed she found at Costco.  It's like having a pillow-top mattress it's so nice - and yep, you guessed it very reasonably priced from Costco.  So here's Baylee, trying to maneuver around in her new, very plush bed.

Thanks Grammy!! You're the best!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42

First, a disclaimer - this may seem a little 'mean girl', so judge me if you must.  The fact that I snapped this picture at all was probably not very nice, but I was quite taken aback.

Rob and I returned to Arbor Healthcare today for yet another ultrasound and injection.  I've become quite a pro, having had a Bravelle injection and ultrasound every other day last week - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  On Saturday Rob came with me for the first time because the office was actually closed and I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, especially with a doctor I had not yet met.  (I kept referring to him as the 'Wizard' because the staff kept telling me what he said and what he wanted me to do, but I wondered if he even existed!)  The office was very quiet and subdued with only two other couples also in for ultrasounds.  And, it turns out Dr. O does exist, and although my encounter with him was brief, I really liked him.

Today we returned to the office again - but this time to a much different scene - a typical Monday according to some of the others waiting.  It was a jam-packed office, full of some very colorful people.  I could tell it was putting Rob a little on edge, but he managed to hang in there.  In between my ultrasound and seeing the nurse, another colorful individual arrived and checked in.  She was wearing this vivid purple, glittery, evening gown style dress.  It was completely backless, with a halter-style front with no bra to speak of, but a full string of pearls to really finish it off.  You have to admit this is just not something you would expect to see at the OB/GYN!?!

On a side note - our visit went well today.  The ultrasound tech liked what she saw (as did Dr. O on Saturday, who happily told me I passed the Clomid Challenge, and had the ovaries of a 37 year old - which doesn't sound that great, but I'll take the 5 years he shaved off!), so they thought I was 'ready'.  Instead of a Bravelle shot, which is a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), I was given a shot of Ovidrel, which triggers ovulation.  So, fingers crossed and prayers please that my body works and does what it is supposed to and miracles happen!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41

Yesterday was Lucy's adorable face.  And as any good mom would tell you, fair is fair, so today is Baylee's turn in front of the camera.

I just lover her squishy, wrinkled face, all pressed up against the side of her bed...and those floppy ears - too cute!  She is silly and stubborn, sweet and fiesty...and she just brings us so much joy.

So here is yet another Baylee moment captured in time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40

Look at that face!  What a lovable, silly, and even troubled looking face! A Lucy face!

Tonight Lucy was just hanging around at Rob and my feet, looking for some love.  She just has such cute little expressive face with a loving personality.  I had to grab my phone and capture yet another Lucy moment!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39

Tonight was movie night!  Not exactly date night for Rob and I, but still a fun night out.

Our friends Tom and Trina lead a group call Tri City Catholic Young Adults, and tonight was their meeting night.  On the agenda...dinner and a movie.  They invited Rob and I to attend...and although not exactly young adults, they assured us we would not feel uncomfortable, and they were right.

Tom made 4 crockpots full of lasagna, so Rob and I brought several bags of Caesar salad to go along with, and some goodies for the movie.  Everyone else brought additions too - there was quite a feast.  And Trina popped bowls full of popcorn for the movie.  Just look at those three 5' tables full of dinner, dessert, and drinks!

After dinner they showed the movie The Way, starring Martin Sheen.  It was a movie about The Camino de Santiago or the Way of St. James - a pilgrimage that people of many different denominations embark on each year.  This particular story was about a father on his own personal journey after the death of his son (played by Martin's real life son Emilio Estavez).  I really, really enjoyed the movie (and would recommend it!) and would actually like to watch it again...there was a bit of chatter going on in the beginning, and the sound system in a big room like this was a little hard to hear, especially with nearly everyone in the movie having an accent!

Thanks Huntingtons...I had a really good time tonight, and I'm pretty sure Rob did too.  Maybe we'll be invited again next month!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.  Can you believe it?  Easter is pretty early this year - March 31st. 

Tonight at RCIA class, we were all given these handy little booklets in preparation for the Easter Vigil...all about Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.  I'm pretty excited about it...and admittedly a little nervous too.  It's a rather big step for lil ol' me (I think I'm a committment phobe!).  But, after attending classes every week for the last 20 weeks or so, I feel like I've learned so much, and in small ways here and there, have grown as well. 

Who knew this is where I supposed to be??  Well...I guess He knew, that's who!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37

Waaaay back in September, I shared that Billie and I were going to participate on the planning committee for the Real Heroes Breakfast.

As part of our duties, yesterday, we went to TRAC to 'taste test' the breakfast menu.  Billie had narrowed it down to two choices, and the chef prepared them to let us choose.  Not a bad chore to have to do!

And tonight was one of our meetings.  We have been meeting once a month, but just like anything else, we are getting down to the wire and are now meeting every two weeks.  At the meeting they handed out the flyer and we all took a few to hand out to folks.  Everyone pretty much agreed it lacks a little luster, so to speak, but evidently the National group has asked that all area Red Crosses follow the same template and here it is. 

Back in September it seemed so far away, and now it's just around the corner!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36

Here it new favorite place, Arbor Healthcare for Women.  I was here Thursday and Friday, and today I was back in for what I thought was just going to be another ultrasound. 

I guess they are following my cycle, and checking my follicles.  Follicles lead to eggs, and eggs lead to babies!  I know that's probably way more information that anyone needs, but's my journey.

After the ultrasound tech checked things out, then I saw my nurse and much to my surprise, she gave me a belly injection.  I have to admit, I was totally thrown off and it was so unexpected, I didn't really ask a lot of questions, and I'm not exactly sure what it was or what it was for...other than to help accomplish our overall mission!

And also much to my surprise, she told me to come back again Thursday for another ultrasound.  Looks like I'll be seeing a lot of this building...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35

Well, it looks like I'm not the only one on a new med regimen.  Poor Baylee...the old girl needs to take her medicine too!

I knew Baylee was having some problems in the way of a bladder infection, but she has also been coughing.  And not just kind of coughing, coughing until she a cat with a fur ball!  And last night it reached it's peak.  The poor thing just could not get settled down in her bed...every time she did, she'd jump back up and cough and cough.  Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of sleep again last night.

Thankfully, we were able to get her into the vet this morning.  After giving her the once over, we realized she does have a bladder infection, an ear infection and bronchitis!  Who knew your dog could get bronchitis?!?  They think the ear infection and bronchitis are linked to an allergy, and the fact that she has those two plus a bladder infection, and weight gain may all be linked to her thyroid.

To get my girl back to health again, they gave her a cortisone injection for the cough and her ear, and drew blood to test her thyroid.  She has some antibiotics for the bladder infection, as well as some FloriFlora that we sprinkle on her food to help too.  Then we have drops for her ears, and her regular VetriDisc she takes for her back and joints!

Hopefully her blood work will give us a good picture of where she is, and what we can do to get our little rotund girl back on track!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34

Just this past Monday, I shared that it is no secret Rob and I want to have a family, and that we attended a meeting on fostering.  Well, we really want and are (obviously) very much open to the possibility of having our own children.  So on Thursday, I went in again to visit the nurse practitioner I had seen before about this.  She offered to take a bit of a more 'agressive' approach, and due to my impeccable timing, she said we could start right away.

She called in a script for the Metformin I was on in November and December, and added Clomid (yep...a fertility drug).  Then she had me return on Friday for a baseline ultrasound and blood labs.  So today is the day I start my new med regimen...and I threw in a free shot of my very bruised hand from where they ended up having to draw blood (I've become my mother and grandmother and am now impossible to stick!), you know just for effect!! Haha...

I go back Tuesday for another ultrasound, then next Friday for more lab here starts a journey of a different kind!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33

Today has been one of those days.  Rob and I slept in pretty late.  It seems Saturdays are our only day to do that anymore...and sometimes not even on Saturdays!  I had also spent part of the night up with Baylee, as the poor old girl seems to have a bladder infection, or something of the sort.  So, after groggily getting out of bed, we spent the day just doing some chores and kind of hanging out.

Now it's time for bed again, and I realize I have not photographed a thing...I'm at a loss.  Every night I tuck my girls in, just like two little babies, and they always look so for lack of something more interesting, here's a shot of them...yes another picture of the pups!

Goodnight...and sweet dreams.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32

Tonight Rob and I finished watching Downton Abbey...and I have to admit I'm kind of disappointed.  Not disappointed in the show, but just disappointed it's over!  I want more...I want to know what happens next!

We bought Mom this Season One and Two set for Christmas because she had been wanting to watch it, hearing so much about it over the past 6 months or so.  Once she finished watching it, we borrowed it to see if we would be interested...and we got hooked!

It's such a well written show, and has a little bit of everything...history, drama, and even a bit of occasional comedy.  Guess we'll just have either be patient and catch up with Season 3 on PBS...or order the whole season on DVD!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31

After 18 years of working for Benton Co Fire District No. 1, today is Arliss' last day.  She starts a new journey as a retired woman tomorrow.

And on her last day, what did she do, but give us gifts!  She was so thoughtful and gave each of the ladies these cute little soda fountain glasses, stuffed with little footies (soda), topped with a scrubbie (whipped cream), and an emery board (straw).  Attached is a little note that says; Retirement - Six Saturdays and a Sunday.  It has been soda-lightful working with you. ~ Arliss

We had a great turnout of well wishers at the office all throughout the day.  She received a lot of very nice cards, some great gifts, beautiful flowers, and lots of sincere thanks.

All of us at the Fire Admin Center wish her all the best.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29

Meeting Minnie Lilly!

Billie and Keith got a new puppy this weekend, a 9 week old Cocker Spaniel they named (obviously) Minnie.  Today, Keith brought her into the office for a visit and to introduce her to everyone.

She's the sweetest little thing...and she is little.   She's so small and light...and so very black.  I took lots of pictures of her, but you can't make out her face it's so dark, and not to mention how quick you have to be, because she moves fast! 

I did get a couple good ones of her here though, meeting Grant...just like Baylee did 8 years ago!!  I love how happy dogs and puppies make him...not so much babies or kids...but he'll take a puppy any day of the week. As would most of us.  I mean who can resist a face like this??

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28

Yesterday while sitting in church reading the weekly bulletin, Rob pointed out that Catholic Family Services was having a meeting for anyone interested in Foster Care.

It's no secret Rob and I would like to have a family, and at this point we are not sure what that may look like.  We are open to any possibility, including fostering and/or adoption.  So we attended the meeting right after work tonight to hear about their program and how it works.

After watching a video and hearing about the children in 'the system', of course there is a part of you that wants to rescue each and every one of them.  I know that we have a lot of room in our hearts for a child that has been abused or negleted, and is consequently part of the foster care system.  But it also brings to light a lot of possiblities that I need to do some praying and soul searching can I love a child who simply can't or won't love me back...can I love a child and still have my heart be ok if he or she is taken and placed back with their biological parents...things like that.

We brought home some paperwork to take some initial steps, and I would like to follow through and see where the journey takes us.  We know God has a plan for us, and they say God doesn't give you more than you can I guess we'll just have to see what He has in store, and what He thinks we're capable of!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27

For the last month my hubby has been growing a beard.  I didn't know if I would like it or not, but he asked me to just give it a chance...and so I did.  I have to say, I really don't mind it.  I guess it's kind of a winter look.  But, honestly I do prefer the goatee better.

He has decided today is the last day...he's shaving in the morning  So I had to take one last picture of this bearded face.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26

I worked on another mini album today...well an album of sorts.  I've saved all of the cards Rob and I have exchanged on special occasions.  I wanted to do something special with them, especially all of those 'firsts'...first birthday, first Christmas, first Valentine's Day, etc.  So I punched a hold in the middle, along the binding of each of them, put a binder ring through them, and then added a front and back chipboard piece. 

I decorated the chipboard simply, with paper and ribbon, and added a roughed up 'our first year' to the front.  It's actually pretty cute.  I ran out of creative steam before I added the decorated cardstock dividers for each 'occasion', but once I do, it will be complete! 

Another Keepsake Album of those little something specials...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25

Tonight Kim and Michelle threw a surprise party for their mom's 70th birthday.  And boy was she find about 20 people in her kitchen and dining room when she got home!

I spent the afternoon making cake pops for the occasion, and used the new display rack Mom got me for Christmas.  It worked GREAT, and my pops were probably the best so far.  Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo when I was all done...but got a shot of them on the food table, after a few had already been gobbled down.

I think Sharlyn was genuinely surprised and touched by all of us 'kids' coming out to wish her a happy birthday.  We had a great time...doing what we do best; eating, drinking, laughing and catching up!

Happy Birthday's to many more!!