Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31

Woo-hoo! The calendar says it's January 31st! Day 31!

I made it through an entire month, snapping at least one picture each day. Not only did I surpass last year's effort somewhere around Day 22, but I actually completed a whole month of photo taking AND blogging. I admit it, I'm a little impressed with myself right now.

I think they say it takes something like 21 days to develop a habit. Although some days have been a bit of struggle, and sometimes I have even cheated a bit by snapping a picture the morning after...I'm taking it in stride. The bottom line is that I managed to make this a thought each and every day, and hopefully it will only get easier and more habitual, and eventually I will struggle with WHICH picture to post, rather than WHAT to photograph!

Bring on February!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30

Current Mood: Addled.

For Christmas Fred and Christy (actually Truman...those pups sure are great shoppers!) gave me a flip chart called The Daily Mood - tell the world the state you're in. It has 47 mood choices depicted with an emoticon type smiley, and complete with amusing definitions and examples on the back of each one.

I took it to work to put on my desk as a daily warning to others. When the Fire Marshal stopped by my office today, he thumbed through them reading the definitions, and this is what he stopped on...I guess after browsing, he decided I was Addled.

After reading the definition below, I guess I'm not offended!


1. Confused: My brain is a bit addled from the lunchtime margaritas.
(I wish!)

2. Ditzy, blond-headed: I addled up the numbers, but it still isn't working out. (But I'm not REALLY a blonde!)

Synonym: Mr. Magoo

I wonder what my mood will be tomorrow???

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29

February, 1985. I remember it like it was yesterday. Literally. I can't even wrap my mind around the fact that it has been 27 years.

This past summer, I spent some time cleaning out my garage. One of the things I found was a Valentine card and this enclosed note sent to me by my dad. I was actually shocked to discover it, I had no idea I had held on to it all these years. But what a treasure it was to find. It's so funny how something so simple can take on so much more meaning and become so valuable after someone has passed.

It was the year my dad was working away in California, and I really do remember it vividly, for several reasons.

First, the outside envelope was addressed to Trica. I had recently dropped the PA from my name and shortened it to Tricia, but dad just couldn't quite lock on to the idea or the spelling, and from that point forward, Trica (pronounced Trick-ah) was born.

Secondly, I remember receiving the envelope and it was the first time I had ever seen 'Hand Cancel', and it had to be explained to me. My dad had bought me a pair of earrings, ironically with my name (Tricia) on them, and had enclosed them in the envelope and wanted to be sure they were handled with care.

And lastly, I got a card from my dad. Not from my mom and dad...which you always knew was mom out shopping and signing for them both. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it's just that this meant Dad did it all on his own. And he took a few minutes to jot down a note.

I was thinking of him and missing him terribly again today, and thought of this card and note. At the time, 27 years ago, it was just a card, and just a simple note, but now it's something I cherish that provides just a little bit of comfort on days like today.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28

This is Baylee. She's in Time Out.

She seems to be spending an awful lot of time here in her time out space, otherwise known as our Laundry Room. It is true that Baylee is the sweetest, most affectionate and lovable dog. Until food enters the scene, her nose gets the better of her, and she nearly becomes Cujo. She can't quite get down that whole don't-bite-the-hand-that-feeds-you thing.

This is what happened tonight, once again banishing her to the Laundry Room.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27

Ahhh...the trauma of getting clean, it's so exhausting!

Today was my Friday off and I had high hopes of checking off a list of to-do's. But, my energy wained, and as it turned out I didn't get near the amount of things accomplished as first hoped. However, I did get one very important thing checked off that list...Baylee and Lucy - the two little stinkers (literally) - both got baths.

So, after a little fluff and buff, I couldn't resist letting them cuddle with me - and each other - up on the couch. They aren't fooling anyone, they like each other!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26

Valentines Day is still a couple weeks away, but my decorations have been out for awhile now. I get so excited to turn that corner, so to speak, after the holidays...you know, after you've brought in the New Year, have put the tree and all the trimmings away, and get to head into a fresh new Spring.

And as part of that, in spite of myself, I love Valentines Day. I love the pinks and reds, the hearts...and...the candy. I have already eaten an entire bag of Conversation Hearts!

That's why I love this decoration of little wood Conversation Hearts, so at least when the real ones are gone...I still have these adorning the wall!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25

Even though I'm lacking inspiration, I do have to admit that I'm pretty pleased I have managed to press on a shoot a photo each day...even with as lame as some of them have been.

I'm really hoping that with the weather changes that appear to be happening, maybe the scenery will start to change, and just maybe some things might even start to bloom or blossom in the near future. Those are some of my favorite pictures to take.

In the meantime, I had to look again at that good ol' Capture Your 365 Inspiration list for January, and for today the prompt was Your Focus. I guess that can be whatever you interpret it to be. For me, it was more on what my brain has been focused on, not my camera. Bills. Bills. And more bills. This pile that seems to be constantly looming, not only physically on my desk, but also the idea of them always in the back of my mind, often stealing focus from happier things.

Maybe taking a photo of them will help. Maybe it will be like when they tell you to write down something that has been on your mind, and then your mind can let it go?? And since they also say a picture is worth a thousand words...

We'll see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24

Yes, I admit it. I am officially lacking inspiration. It's only Day 24, and I feel as if I've run out of things to photograph.

So, for today I looked again at my Capture Your 365 Inspiration list for January, and today's prompt was Duplicate. On Facebook, one of the CY365 team members shot a great photo of big black fuzzy dice in what looks like a classic auto.

I, myself have no fuzzy dice...but, as it so happened when I walked into work this morning, just below my keyboard were two 'duplicate' twenty dollar bills a co-worker had put there, so I snapped a picture. Since the subject was mundane, I took a little time and played with the focus and color options, just trying to make the shot more interesting.

This one ended up being my favorite.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23

Small Bites and Low Fat.

That pretty much sums it up, 'Pure & Simple' for Lucy and Baylee. Although they both enjoy rice and lamb, Lucy is just a wee little one that needs Small Bites for small dogs, and Baylee is a rotund girl watching her figure with a Low Fat diet.

I stopped by the Vet's office after work to pick up some food for our girls. When I came in, I threw their bags on the washer, and decided to take a picture. It wasn't just that I had no other ideas for a picture today, it was more than that. I remembered the whole idea of this project; to take a look at life with a different eye.

And picking up dog food is just one of those little mundane things in life normally taken for granted. But when I thought about it, I realized how grateful I am to do it. I love our girls, they bring us all so much joy and bless our lives. This seems like the very least I can do for them.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22

More cupcakes!

I had a couple of those very ripe bananas again. I didn't really want to make muffins again, so I thought about cupcakes. I found a recipe in my cupcake cookbook and while Rob was working, I decided to go for it.

The million dollar question...what frosting do you put on a banana cupcake? I found some suggestions, like peanut butter, or a banana split type thing with chocolate and cherries. I decided to go more basic and just do a brown butter icing.

They didn't turn out to be anything spectacular, but a little something sweet to have around, none the less.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21

Day four of our winter weather. Just outside our front door this morning, hanging from the eaves were some impressive looking icicles.

I don't think they will be around for long though. A Chinook is on it's way, with the usual winds and warm temperatures.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20

Today was one of those days where I struggled with a photo. For inspiration, I looked at the Capture Your 365 Inspiration list for January. Today was Black and White, which I must say didn't really inspire me.

Then I looked up on the web what historic things had happened on this day, if any. And, wouldn't you know it, today is the anniversary of Prohibition. On this day, 92 years ago, our government decided to ban the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Not one of our best ideas!

So here's my take on the photo for this day. This is my little (very legal) bottle of alcohol (thank goodness they came around in 1933!). It's Limoncello, brought back with me from my trip to Italy last fall. Yum!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19

Coupon clipper extraordinaire? NOT!

Today I tried my hand at shopping with all of those coupons I clipped. Now when I say I shopped, I didn't just go to the store all willy-nilly. This was the most thought out, organized shopping trip I had ever done. Meal plans, grocery lists by category, and my new coupon binder all in hand.

After all of the purchases were made and the numbers were tallied, what was the outcome? You know, how much were the savings?? Just like on TV, were they 90%, 95%, 98%?? In all seriousness, being the novice that I am, I clearly did not expect results like that, but in my head, I had hoped for maybe 10% my first time out. What I got was an overall savings of 6%. Now I realize that savings are savings, but 6%?? Really?? I'm not sure that was worth all the time and effort I put into it?!?

I don't think I'll quite throw in the towel yet. I'll try to educate myself further, and see if some more 'practice' pays off. I did come away with some knowledge gained already...my percentage of savings at Walmart was double that of my savings at Winco. Maybe next time I'll start at Walmart and finish at Winco and see if my percentage goes up?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18

And it just keeps snowing!

Our first significant snowfall of the winter finally arrived. It started snowing around midnight, and it just keeps coming. This is a shot outside the front door of the office.

They are predicting 3 to 7 inches, and I think we must have at least 3 already...it's a little hard to tell with it blowing and drifting. The ride into work was a little sketchy, but I arrived safe and sound none the less. We'll have to see how the day goes, they say there is more to come, followed by rain, freezing rain and more snow??

Where was Old Man Winter at Christmas when we really wanted the fluffy stuff??

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17

I've seen the inside of a doctor's office more often in the last 4 months than I have in the last 4 years! More than I care to, that's for sure. Today I happen to see the inside of two. I first had a regular visit with my 'newish' primary care doctor that went very well. According to her I am as healthy as a horse!

Unfortunately, the second appointment with the new infectious disease doctor did not go so well. I really did not care for him. Saying he had no bedside manner is putting it mildly. He made me feel quite uncomfortable and scared the bejeezus out of me. Not sure if I will ever be going to see him again??

Hopefully no more doctors for awhile!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16

In an effort to try to save a few dollars where I can, I decided to take a stab at clipping coupons. Last night just before bed I clipped a few mom had given me from the Sunday paper. And much to my surprise there were actually several I felt I could use. In the past it seems like most of those coupons are for products I don't or would never use.

So, at work today, I went a little further. I did some searching on the web and came across The Krazy Coupon Lady, a site dedicated to couponing. Now, I certainly do not picture myself becoming one of those extreme couponers like on TV, but I did find some good tips here for 'beginners', including a downloadable organizer to get your coupons organized by category, with a table of contents. Right now, as you see mine is not in giant 5" binder with baseball card sleeves, just the sheets themselves, paper clipped for now...stay tuned, I guess.

I've tried clipping coupons before and it has always gone by the wayside. But this time it's a little more out of necessity, and with it being so popular these days, I'm hoping I stick to it and start reaping the rewards of a [novice] couponer!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15

The story of some sad looking cupcakes...

With Rob working all weekend, I spent the bulk of my time cleaning the house. Although it felt really good to get a handle on things and a bit more organized, this afternoon I needed a break from the dust rag and vacuum.

I had already tried out my new jumbo muffin pan, so I decided it was time to break in the mini. It seemed so straight forward, going from regular size to mini...but I have to admit I struggled from the get-go. First I overfilled each cupcake liner and ended up with 'muffin tops' making them top heavy, constantly tipping over. Then I used a smaller pastry bag to frost with a small tip, and ended up overfilling the bag as well, which resulted in a mess and me racing through the frosting process. What I ended up with were frosted, top heavy cupcakes that tip over. Yikes.

The good news...looks aside, they were very tasty! A milk chocolate cupcake with an almond cream cheese frosting. And, since I made them for no real reason, just to enjoy and share with Mom, it was good trial run and now I know what NOT to do!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14

I'm almost too embarrassed to post this photo!

Tonight Rob and I were invited over to Billie's for dinner and games with her and Keith, and Shauna and Osanin. We had a great manicotti dinner, a couple rounds of dominoes, and a lot of good conversation.

It was a really nice evening with good friends, but do you think I remembered to break out the camera for even one photo? No, I did not!! I could have taken a picture of us girls, a fun girlfriends shot...I could have taken a picture of the great meal, or even one of us playing dominoes...all great photo opportunities...but this photographer left the camera in her purse the entire night!! Lame!! But, I guess there is something to be said for actually enjoying yourself and getting lost in the moment.

So as it turns out, my 365 photo is a shot of the girls, who were so excited to see us when we got home. But more importantly, reported directly to the pantry in order to 'ask' for treats...for what reason, I'm not entirely sure. Not chewing up the furniture while we away, I guess??

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13

Here's my latest Hobby Lobby Score!

Tonight after work I swung by the house to pick up the Hobby Lobby gift card I got for Christmas, and Rob. For some reason I thought it was necessary to drag him through the largest hobby, holiday and home decor store in town. He was a trooper though, and didn't really complain at all. I think he was a bit surprised by the sheer volume of 'stuff', especially in the Scrapbooking section. It's been quite some time since I've had the itch to scrap, and this little visit sure made me want to scratch that itch. It made me so happy to go up and down the aisles...paper and ribbons and stickers, oh my!!

So...my treasures were a Paper Studio hearts embossing folder, a pack of 7 Gypsies mini calendar cards and the latest Scrapbooks, Etc. magazine. I will now be inspired!

I also picked up a pack of cute floral mini baking cups, and just for fun...some Valentine Conversation Hearts for the candy dishes at home.

Just a few little items to end my Friday the 13th on a good note!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12

Today I didn't have to struggle to find something to photograph, and actually had a dilemma on which picture to use, and what to write about.

I choose both.

First, I had a really enjoyable lunch today with one of my oldest and dearest Mel, at the new Twigs Bistro. Thanks to one of my Battalion Chiefs I had a gift card, and since neither one of us had tried it out yet, we decided to meet there for what turned out to be a rather extended and enjoyable lunch. It's always good to catch up...we just need to do it more often!

For the Project 365 photo, however, I was won over by this picture...I mean who doesn't love red and pink, M&M's, and brownies...or in this case blondies??? After work I ran to Target to return a Christmas gift, and in its stead picked up this very cute Valentine place mat. I also wanted to try out this easy peasy Brown Sugar Blondie recipe I had pinned on Pinterest, and thankfully Target also had the main ingredient, the Valentine M&M's, so all was good.

I headed home, made a quick dinner, and got these blondies in the oven. They turned out so festive...and they tasted pretty darn good too.

Can't wait to try more Pinterest recipes!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11

Ahhhh...Happiness is...in this case, a clean desk!! Here is a continuation of those clean slate, fresh start ideas of the New Year.

I took some time this morning to clean off my desk at work. I tidied up a bit, purged old files, threw out unnecessary items, gathered up things that needed to be taken back home, and then actually dusted and scrubbed up the desk and everything on it.

Now for some of you super-neat freaks, this may not even look clean to you...too much going on on the desktop, but trust me, this is a tremendous improvement. I mean there's actually a little room to do some work now, as opposed to the sea of papers formerly occupying the space! And, hopefully this is just the beginning...the clean(er) slate I needed to keep organizing, purging, and updating!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10

Just like usual, I'm a day late (and generally a dollar short). This is not a flashlight, street light, or headlight...yes, it's the light of our moon. This was the glow as seen from my front porch tonight. I say I'm a day late because although it looks like it's entirely full, technically last night was our full moon. I just wish I was less of a novice photographer, or at least knew how to operate my camera on a higher level to capture these type of outdoor, or night time shots more vividly.

I realize this is not a very exciting photo for today's Project 365, but it sort of follows the theme of my day...not too exciting, not much to photograph today.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9

I did some FAC'ing shopping today. No, that's not a metaphor, or a euphemism... it's just me, doing a little shopping for the office - the FAC. As you can see by the looks of my trunk, we are a thirsty group, and a group needing a bit of variety... here's a dozen half-cases to prove it! For us, stocking the fridge with just one or two kinds of soda will simply not do. But that's alright...to each his own. And besides, if we were all the same it would be awful boring, right?

This was just the load from the grocery store with soda, coffee creamer and ice cream bars. Another day this week will be the Costco run for coffee, bottled water and some additional tasty (and yes, unnecessary) snacks foods.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8

This is the day the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

It's Sunday; A day of rest, A day of worship. And that's exactly what I did...just not in that order. Mom, Rob and I started our day off by attending church service at Faith Assembly. It was the first in a four-part series about living life with God. I hope that I am up (that's figuratively and literally - 6:30 am on Sunday comes mighty early) for the challenge of hearing the other three parts in the series.

It was not only a good way to start the day, by recharging my spiritual batteries so to speak, but also a really good way to start the week...with a positive message, that I'm hoping will help creative a positive attitude the whole week through.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7

Pink sky at night...sailor's delight??

Well, there was definitely pink in the sky tonight. I just happened to pass by the sliding glass door in time to catch a glimpse of this sunset. I didn't know if I could capture how pretty it was with the camera, but thought I would gave it a try. I'm still not sure the picture does it justice, but at least you can really make out the contrast of the colors on the skyline.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6

Boy how times have changed...home on a Friday night, making muffins! I decided to do a little baking after first making a pretty darn good dinner of Chicken Marsala, brussel sprouts and bread sticks...yes, I cheated - the Marsala was a boxed kit from Macaroni Grill, but none the less I cooked it and it was good...and yes - this was the very first time in my life I had brussel sprouts. I have to admit I liked them, but put butter on just about anything and it's edible though!

Anyway, I had a couple VERY ripe bananas and those new muffin tins I have been looking for any excuse to use...so a quick look on the internet for an Banana Oat Muffin recipe, and voila...six delicious muffins...baked on a Friday night!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5

Here she is...my sweet Baylee girl. This is when she is sweetest...just chillin'! This is her nightly ritual, hopping up on the love seat which she believes is her own personal over sized dog bed! I know, I know, she only thinks that because I let her...one spoiled little girl she is!

She is definitely an old girl, set in her ways that's for sure. Bringing Lucy into the house didn't seem to add any spunk to her Eeyore-like attitude. Instead it seems only to be making her fatter, as she tries to constantly steal Lucy's food. She is quite successful at it too...so stealthy, lurking around until she makes her move and then sucks down a dish of food like a Hoover!

Day 4

Or should I say Night 4...Here is what has become our evening ritual. Sometime shortly after dinner, Rob and I slip into our jammies and slippers for a little TV time on the couch...and yes, maybe even a little snuggling.

Both of these particular slippers featured here, as well as Rob's PJ's, are courtesy of Mom...thanks Mom for the cozy Christmas gifts!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3

Cupcakes, Cupcakes!

For Christmas this year, Mom gave me both a mini muffin pan and a jumbo muffin pan, with some liners. And Billie (shoot, actually Molly...she's such a good shopper) got me a cute little cupcake party set with festive liners and and picks.

I can't wait to get started and try out my new pans. This too is something I want to get back to doing again...not that anyone needs the added calories...but it is a creative outlet, and I love making cupcakes...and they are so delicious. And now thanks to Pinterest, I have lots of new and interesting recipes to try out!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

Meet Lucy the Pug. She's a sweet little 4 year old, full of spunk. She's a little bitty runt of a dog, but makes monstrous noises - you would think a St. Bernard was sleeping with us at night! Rob says she's a humble little dog, and I guess she is...doesn't want, or need, or 'ask' for much at all. She's pretty content to just be in your presence, and maybe play with a toy or chew a bone from time to time.

So, for today's Project 365, it's all about our little Lu...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

So, here it is. Day 1 of {2012} Project 365 + 1. I'm guessing that like last year, I will struggle with what to photograph each day. But that's part of the fun and challenge...looking at life through different eyes, and trying to capture the beauty in the simple or seemingly mundane.

Today is New Year's Day, and Christmas is officially over. Yesterday all of the Christmas decorations were put away, with the exception of the tree...and today the tree came down. These few items are all that remain of Christmas 2011.

Happy New Year

Happy 2012! It's another year, and not to sound cliché, or even like a broken record (see New Year's 2011 Post), it is in fact a clean slate and a fresh start and I plan to make the most of it. With the holidays now in the rearview mirror, I have discovered that I have that yearning again...that yearning to be creative. I wouldn't call them resolutions, but with this fresh start of the new year, there are some things I would like to do, to rediscover, or to put more effort into.

I want to...

♥ Try my hand at Project 365 again for 2012...a picture every day for the entire year. And this year, because it is leap year is actually dubbed Project 365 + 1!

♥ Organize my scrapbooking clutter in order to return to the land of creativity, finishing some outstanding projects, making some cards and scrapbooking new memories.

♥ Blog more often...maybe even every day. This medium puts it all together; the ability to share the pictures that I take, chronicle life for myself as a diary of sorts, as well as for others, and not to mention taking advantage of another outlet for creativity.

♥ Take better care of myself, which means physically, mentally and spiritually. I started down this path at the beginning of 2011, and some pretty amazing things happened. Hopefully 2012 will be a continuation of that journey, but with even more promising results!!

Sadly, I have not blogged in almost an entire year, and so much has happened in my life since then. But there is really no point in looking back, only forward...

So...Welcome 2012...I look forward to all 366 days of you!!