Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16

In an effort to try to save a few dollars where I can, I decided to take a stab at clipping coupons. Last night just before bed I clipped a few mom had given me from the Sunday paper. And much to my surprise there were actually several I felt I could use. In the past it seems like most of those coupons are for products I don't or would never use.

So, at work today, I went a little further. I did some searching on the web and came across The Krazy Coupon Lady, a site dedicated to couponing. Now, I certainly do not picture myself becoming one of those extreme couponers like on TV, but I did find some good tips here for 'beginners', including a downloadable organizer to get your coupons organized by category, with a table of contents. Right now, as you see mine is not in giant 5" binder with baseball card sleeves, just the sheets themselves, paper clipped for now...stay tuned, I guess.

I've tried clipping coupons before and it has always gone by the wayside. But this time it's a little more out of necessity, and with it being so popular these days, I'm hoping I stick to it and start reaping the rewards of a [novice] couponer!

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