Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 59

So what is it that you do on a Friday night? Well this is what I do. The past couple Friday nights I have sat at the coffee table, while watching TV, and worked on my Project Life album. I really enjoy scrapbooking this way, because there are very minimal supplies least to get things organized and into the album. All you really need is your core kits, a paper cutter, a corner rounder, a pen and some adhesive. Embellishments can come later.

I generally start with writing my picture of the day on a post-it (a tip from Michelle Wooderson on catching up!), and tentatively applying them to the position where I think they'll go. Then I pick out my cards for the week. In this case I'm working on the week of Valentine's Day, so it was pretty easy...I just grabbed the Valentine's cards from the Holiday Mini Kit and started placing.

Can't wait to wrap up Week 7, and get it posted here on the blog!

Project Life Week 2

My first full week using Project Life. I used the Seafoam Edition again, with some Dogs Themed Cards. I used Thickers to designate the week, and more Sn@p Letters and Stickers, along with a couple from my stash. I feel like I'm still kind of getting my feet wet at this point...a pretty basic layout, even though that is the point of Project Life!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 58

We really have a silly office. Or more accurately, we have a silly April!

For some reason this afternoon she decided to get her Shamrock On. She had an extra hat and mug, so Billie played along, and of course I grabbed my camera. What happened next was a lot of laughing, causing a few tears and unfortunately a lot of coughing...because none of us can get over this winter bronchitis! We are quite a group right now. Still, it was a few fun Luck O' the Irish minutes to break up the afternoon monotony.

Project Life Week 1

When I started my Project Life at the beginning of the year, I vowed that taking photos of each week would NOT count towards a Picture of the Day. These would just have to be additional entries, made for fun after a week(s) was completed. I've taken several rounds of pictures of my first few Project Life pages, but none of them seem to come out very well. I think the sad truth is that my camera is dying a slow, painful death. I managed to capture a few in some relatively decent light, and so I'm just going for it. They are not high quality pictures by any means, and really don't do my pages justice. I think most of them have turned out pretty cute for a beginner!  None the less, here goes.

My first purchase was the Seafoam Edition Core Kit and Binder. Being a newbie (and somewhat obedient), I read Becky's tutorial on Setting Up a Project Life Album, so followed what she said. I even put the suggested cards in to create the cover. I added the year and each of our current ages, using Sn@p Letters. Then, before I actually got started with pictures, I bought the Holiday Mini Kit, and the Dogs Themed Cards. I used both in my Week 1 layout.

I used Thickers to identify the week, along with more Sn@p letters and stickers mixed in throughout.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 57

This morning before everyone was out of bed except Rob, the spoke alarm chirped. This is unsettling for both our girls. When I looked into Baylee's bed, I found Lucy curled up, and had to go looking for Baylee...who was hiding out in the living room between the couch and the coffee table. I got her fed and pottied and then I hopped in the shower. When I got out this is what I found...Baylee in her bed without her little blanket, and Lucy curled up on the blanket as close to Baylee as she could be. Comfort in being together...Sister Love ♥♥♥

Maybe they need one big bed to curl up together on? I think Lucy would go for it, but I doubt ol' set-in-her-ways Baylee would!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 56

This picture is two-fold. First, it's my handsome husband feeling better, and with a fresh haircut. Isn't he cute? I think he is!

And second, it's me messing around with my new app InstaWeather. I think the general idea is that you'll photograph something outside, and then the current weather information will be generated around the photo. I just wanted to play...there are many different skins to choose from, and then different settings within each skin. Maybe you'll see more of these in the future...they are perfect for Project Life photos!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 55

Uh oh. I don't even have to explain. Ginger Ale + Chicken Noodle Soup = A Stomach Bug.

Poor Rob. One of the boys where he works came down with a bad case of the stomach flu over the weekend. And last night, when Rob got home he said he was starting not to feel well himself. It didn't take long before it reared its ugly head, and the poor bugger spent the night in misery. He had to call in sick to work today, and just stayed in bed and prayed that the symptoms subsided.

On my way home from work I bought the ginger ale and soup to help him re-hydrate and get a little something back in his tummy. Thankfully it seems to really be a 24 hour bug...but what a violent bug it has been during these 24 hours!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 54

Back on Valentine's Day, I told you that my mom took me to Costco, and bought me a new pair of glasses. Well today after church, Rob and I stopped by and picked them up...and here they are.

They really aren't too different from my last pair, in shape and style. But there is one big difference...they are bifocals! I can't believe I've become that person...that age...someone who wears bifocals. Alright, I put it out there, but now I'm over it - because all I know is I sure can see better with them. I just might not ever take them off! Thanks Mom for your gift of sight! ♥♥♥

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 53

I took a lot of photos along the way to get to this final picture...but I really think this is the only one that is needed. It's was a lovey dinner, and full of firsts for me!

The other day Mom brought over a whole chicken...she had gotten a deal on them, and was nice enough to give me one. I had toyed with roasting it, but really just had a hankering for mashed potatoes and gravy. So I tried my hand at {skillet} fried chicken. This meant that I first had to try my hand at cutting up a whole chicken. Internet video with directions...check! Then I coated and fried each piece...pretty simple...check. But then I had to turn what was left in the pan into gravy...and not just gravy, but decent gravy...gravy that at least resembled the gravy my mom makes. Well, it wasn't Mom's gravy, but it didn't turn out half bad. Add some Niblets, and voila...a fried chicken dinner was on my table!

I'm sure next time will be easier, go smoother, and be even tastier! There always has to be a first time, right?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 52

Today is my momma's birthday! And because it happen to fall on our Friday off, Billie and I, along with Melanie spent the day with Mom...having a girls day, celebrating her birthday.

To start the day, I whipped up some cherry chip cupcakes this morning. The tradition for Mom's birthday is mud pie, but this year she said she wanted cupcakes. I used the usual cake mix, but in an effort to keep them good and moist, added an extra egg and some sour cream...mmm mm. Then I topped them with cream cheese frosting, with maraschino cherry juice mixed right in and a half cherry on top. They looked so cute...but admittedly when all together, they looked like a bunch of...well...let's say I called them my Breast Cancer Awareness cupcakes!

This afternoon we all met at Mom's and headed out to lunch. She chose Fujiyama's...she had been there once and liked it, Melanie is kind of a regular, and for Billie and I, it was our first time. We had a pretty entertaining Chef who cooked our meal to order, while using our food to make things like a fried rice fish, and an onion stacked birthday candle. At the end of our meal, they came out with drums and gongs and sang Happy Birthday Fujiyama style...complete with a slice of cake and a candle to make a wish on!

After filling our bellies, we headed out for a first of the season. Can't wait for spring to let my toes out! Then we headed back to Mom's for gifts, cupcakes and ice cream. To wrap up the day, Melanie, Mom and I decided to see a movie, and headed out to Winter's Tale.

It was a great, long, celebratory day, and I sure hope Mom enjoyed herself, and felt the love today...on her very special birthday.

Happy Birthday to the very best momma!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 51

Today I was sitting in a class about Records Management, put on by someone from the State Archives. Can you imagine...just... how...dry?? Anyway, I had my handy little planner with me and happened to check out the Project 365 Inspiration List, and it said Escape! How funny, that's exactly what I wanted to do.

Just then, they gave us a 15 minute break, and I did just that. I escaped across the street to the nearest Starbucks for a coffee and scone...that's my Escape. And when I got up to the window, the barista told me it was on the house because she had made some kind of error. Score! An even better without paying! I made it back to class in record time, and with all my funds still in my wallet! It made the rest of the class bearable.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 50 you know how sometimes you do things...and in the midst of doing them, you hear a voice that says, 'This is probably not a good idea'? But then the other little voice chimes in and says, 'Oh, shoot, it will be FINE'?

Well that happened to me this morning. I put on this sweater, and the collar just would not lay right. So, I grabbed the iron and tried to just get the edge to lie down...but as I dragged it over near my shoulder, apparently, I also drug it across my chest. OUCH!

Lesson learned...never iron your shirt while wearing it. It really seems like a no-brainer, but evidently not!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 49

Isn't she just the picture of cool? It's how she rolls at the vet. Today while we were in the exam room waiting for Dr. Chuck, Lu just hopped up on the little couch next to me and it was no big thing. Now when they took her temperature...well, that WAS a big thing, cause her little buggy eyes went even buggier! She wasn't too thrilled with the shot she got either. But through it all she was a {silly} little trooper.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 48

Alright, I'm kind of cheating here.  I already shared a photo of my Valentine's flowers on Friday, but I had to take a picture again. These are probably the prettiest roses I've ever had. They all opened up so beautifully, and the colors were just fact this photo doesn't do them justice. I just thought they were lovely, and wanted to remember them this way, so I snapped another photo. With this pic, I think Valentine's Day 2014 has been brought to a close.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 47

Today, at the end of Mass, Father Taneo blessed a few Prayer Quilts. Afterwards, the quilts were placed in the Gathering Space for folks to tie knots, and say prayers for the healing of others. I've never been involved with one of the quilts, but know it must be such a comfort and blessing to receive one, and I just thought it was a beautiful expression as these were being blessed.

Unfortunately, grabbing my camera was a last minute thing, and the head of the gentleman in front of me could not be avoided!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 46

You know what that is, right?  It's a Bloomin' Onion!

Because Rob and I both worked yesterday, we decided to have a late lunch as our Valentine's date, before he headed off to work this afternoon. We hadn't been to the Outback in a long time, so we decided to go there. The Bloomin' Onion was always, but unfortunately the rest of our meal was only mediocre at best. It was rather disappointing, I have to say.  It will probably be awhile before we head back again.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 45

Happy St. Valentine's Day! I had a great day, and was a bit spoiled I must say. I received a delivery at work from Shari's Berries...two dozen roses, one dozen of their gourmet dipped 'fancy' strawberries, and a lovely message from my Valentine (he did goooood!).  Boy are those berries juicy, and yummy.  Of course the white chocolate dipped ones are my favorite.

I also received a bit of pampering, as I happen to have an appointment to get my hair done today.  So, again thanks to Traci, I'm looking fabulous again. Or at the very least, my roots are gone!!

I picked Mom up after work. She was insisting on a little Valentine's gift for me as well...the gift of sight. Sounds funny, and it kind of is. It seems she has grown tired of looking at my glasses on my face, mainly because they are six years old, and rather crooked (or my face is, who knows?!?). So she took me to Costco and I picked out new frames, and ordered up a new pair of glasses.  I'm sure I'll share a picture after I pick them up in a week. Then, after Costco Mom took Rob and I to dinner...Rob was actually at work, but we got him a to-go order, so no matter how you look at it, Valentine's dinner was on Mom...she's an awful good Valentine to have!

Like I said...spoiled...more than I deserve.  I am truly blessed.  I sure hope your Valentine's Day was as good as mine!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 44

Today at work was Valentine Snack Day.  I swear, we ladies need very little excuse to have a Snack Day!  We started talking among ourselves, and realized several of us had intended to bring a treat for Valentine's Day. But then we also realized a bulk of us in the office are going to be off tomorrow...some with Fridays off, some with Valentine plans. So we made today, Valentine's Day Eve, snack day instead.

April stopped at the bakery and brought in a variety of goodies. Shauna made pink Rice Krispie Treats cut out into heart shapes. Billie made cut out heart sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting.  And, I made these devil's food cake pops.  We were in sugar overload most of the day!! All the treats were delicious, and a great way to celebrate our 'love' for each other!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 43

Last night Rob and I shared our Valentine cookie that we got from Ms. Kennedy. I have to was so delicious. That Cheryl, she makes a buttery and delicious sugar cookie! It was so good in fact, we were left wanting more.

Tonight I had to swing into Yokes for a couple things, so I grabbed these frosted sugar cookies. You know, they're the ones that you can find all year round in the bakery of just about every grocery store. They looked so good, but sadly they just don't come anywhere close to that cookie from Cheryl's. Oh well, they're something sweet on hand when the mood strikes.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 42

Look who came to visit today! It's Baby Dean...who is getting to be such a big boy. He was decked out in a faux hawk, thanks to a little gel from his momma, and the shirt Rob and I gave him for Christmas.  He certainly is looking like a Certified Hunk these days!!

At four months now, he's such a good muss, no fuss...and getting cuter by the day. I'm so glad Brittany brought him by...she needs to do that more often so all of us ladies at the office can get our baby fix!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 41

I bought my first chuck roast a few days ago at the store. I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time, it just seemed like a good sale.  But then the clock started ticking and I knew I had to do something with it or it was going to go bad.

I toyed with a pot roast, or stew. Then I found a Pioneer Woman recipe that seemed pretty easy and straight forward, so I gave it a go. She calls it Sunday Night Stew...I just switched it up to Monday Night...and added a parsnip! I had to invest about 3 1/2 hours of my life, but it really was easy...and tasty.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 40

The girls finally ventured into the back yard, and out into the snow today. For the last couple days I have been taking them out the side door to the garage for potty breaks, mainly because there are no slippery steps, and because actually the way the snow drifted, there was nearly bare grass on that side of the house.

But today, I decided to just let them have a roam. Lucy was so funny, she would only walk where Baylee had already blazed a trail. I guess she likes walking in her sister's footsteps!  And even though there's snow on the ground, Baylee still has that nose down...sniffing for I don't know what!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 39

When they said it was going to snow again...they weren't kidding.  It did snow just a little bit more overnight. And during the day today, it tried, but only managed to spit a flake out here and there. 

I spent the better part of the day scrapbooking over at Trina's. Well, mostly gabbing and catching up, and a little scrapbooking.  But as I got ready to leave, it really started to come down. I made a couple stops, and by the time I left the grocery store the heavy, wet snow was upon us. 

Once I was safely home and toasty warm, I snapped a few pics.  I went out the front door and took a picture of the bright night sky and a couple good sized icicles forming.  But in the picture you couldn't tell how much snow was falling, so I zoomed in on the street light (through the tree)...which is a pretty good shot of the blowing snow.  Then I just thought our little yard lights looks so cute all lit up upon the snow.  And finally as I headed inside, I took one last shot off the porch, this time with the flash on...and all you can see is little white dots! 

Wonder what it will look like by morning?!?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 38

We have just a little bit of a winter wonderland.  After last night's snow, we finally have a blanket of white...and blue skies...for now. They say more snow is on the way, tonight and/or tomorrow. I snapped this pic of our house on the way into work this morning...everything just looked so pristine, and pretty.

And, when Rob got home tonight and brought in the mail, there was a small padded envelope addressed to him and I. Inside...a little Happy Valentine's Day box with a frosted heart sugar cookie inside from Cheryl's. I had already guessed, but the note inside confirmed it, it was a Valentine wish from my very favorite girl, Miss Kennedy. She is such a sweetie pie!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 37

Here it comes...finally...Winter 2014!

Even though snow wasn't really forecasted until this weekend, it started this afternoon. Just a light dusting in the parking lot at work by late afternoon. And as you can see, it doesn't bother Baylee one long as she has a blanket to snuggle in, snow or no snow, she's good.

Now that we're home, we have at least a couple inches on the ground...and it's still coming down. I took the girls out the side garage door for their potty break, and tried to snap a decent pic - with our yard was lit up almost like daylight.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 36

Tonight's dinner...French Onion Soup with French Dips...YUM.  It's a perfect pairing. And once again, that soup...I have to say it's delicious.

It reminds me a lot of Billie's Pea Salad...I don't enjoy peas, but I love me some Pea Salad.  Well, I'm not much of an onion eater, but I'm loving this French Onion Soup! In a similar way that Pea Salad doesn't taste like peas, French Onion Soup doesn't taste like onions...just tastes like goodness! And you can pretty much add bread and cheese to anything and it will taste I right?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 35

I know...funny picture, huh?

Here's the story...after work today I headed to Walmart.  As I circled the lot for a parking place (as one always does at Walmart), I found this one...right in the very front.  Yep, that's Chelsea the Charger occupying premium real estate. I had a fleeting thought about how cold it was (Wind Chill of 12°) and how lucky I was to get so close. Then I remembered the MicroChallenge from Busted Halo for today; Today be aware of the joy in the little details of your life. I mulled it over while I was inside Walmart and when I came out, I snapped a picture of my own joyous little detail.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 34

Look!  It's a Monday morning dance party.  Thanks to April, the dance party is becoming more and more popular around the office.  First thing this morning, her, Billie and Linda fired up We Are Family and really started to shake their groove things!  Linda likes to call it her Wellness time...getting the blood flowing I guess.  All I know is, in an office that could always use some positivity, and some female bonding...this is a little of both.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 33

Yesterday, a bowl full of pudding, today, a bowl full of soup.  What in the world is going on here? Well, this is a representation of my day. Chicken Noodle soup = sick, right?  And sick I have felt.  I swear if it isn't one thing, it's another.

It was Super Bowl Sunday today, and the Seahawks were playing (and kicked some butt might I add). Now, admittedly I did not have any real big plans except to sit home with Rob, have some snacks and watch the game...or should I say...the commercials and the half time show.

But from the minute I woke up this morning, it seems my tummy had other plans. I didn't even make it to Mass this morning, and have literally spent the entire day in bed - sleeping off and on, just sipping on some Sprite Rob picked up for me on the way home from church.  Finally, this evening I ventured out of bed, and Rob fixed me some good old Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup...and it hit the spot for me...let's just hope my tummy agrees.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 32

Nothing too special.  It's just a wee little bowl of pudding. It's been a very long time since I've made pudding...seriously can't remember the last time.

Truth be told, I haven't really made much of anything lately; first came the holidays, then bronchitis, then the staph infection, then Rob's surgery, and now it feels like I'm getting sick all over again...been in my pj's all day as a matter of fact.

Other than scrapbook, I haven't don't much of anything...except make some pudding.