Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 53

I took a lot of photos along the way to get to this final picture...but I really think this is the only one that is needed. It's was a lovey dinner, and full of firsts for me!

The other day Mom brought over a whole chicken...she had gotten a deal on them, and was nice enough to give me one. I had toyed with roasting it, but really just had a hankering for mashed potatoes and gravy. So I tried my hand at {skillet} fried chicken. This meant that I first had to try my hand at cutting up a whole chicken. Internet video with directions...check! Then I coated and fried each piece...pretty simple...check. But then I had to turn what was left in the pan into gravy...and not just gravy, but decent gravy...gravy that at least resembled the gravy my mom makes. Well, it wasn't Mom's gravy, but it didn't turn out half bad. Add some Niblets, and voila...a fried chicken dinner was on my table!

I'm sure next time will be easier, go smoother, and be even tastier! There always has to be a first time, right?

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