Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 39

When they said it was going to snow again...they weren't kidding.  It did snow just a little bit more overnight. And during the day today, it tried, but only managed to spit a flake out here and there. 

I spent the better part of the day scrapbooking over at Trina's. Well, mostly gabbing and catching up, and a little scrapbooking.  But as I got ready to leave, it really started to come down. I made a couple stops, and by the time I left the grocery store the heavy, wet snow was upon us. 

Once I was safely home and toasty warm, I snapped a few pics.  I went out the front door and took a picture of the bright night sky and a couple good sized icicles forming.  But in the picture you couldn't tell how much snow was falling, so I zoomed in on the street light (through the tree)...which is a pretty good shot of the blowing snow.  Then I just thought our little yard lights looks so cute all lit up upon the snow.  And finally as I headed inside, I took one last shot off the porch, this time with the flash on...and all you can see is little white dots! 

Wonder what it will look like by morning?!?

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