Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48

Wow what a great day!  A very long day, but a great day!

This morning Rob and I attended mass and the Rite of Sending.  I was so glad Mom was able to make it too, to see us both stand before the parish with Tom and Trina, and to see me sign the Book of the Elect.  As someone who has not been baptised, signing the book puts you into the book of life, so to speak - sealing your covenant with God.  Boy was I nervous and excited, and very thankful I didn't cry!

After church we made a stop at the house for a quick bite to eat and to take the pups over to Mom's.  Next stop...Tom and Trina's.  We picked them up and headed to Holy Family Parish in Yakima.  And what a lovely day for a drive it was!

When we arrived, we headed to the gathering space of the church where there were probably a couple hundred people.  There were catechumen, candidates, sponsors and RCIA leadership from about 20 or so parishes in the diocese, all there to meet Bishop Tyson in the Rite of Election.  Once we filed into the sanctuary and were seated, we were called to the front parish by parish.  Our names were read one by one as an introduction to the Bishop.  With a quick bow of acknowledgment, the Bishop then signed our Book of the Elect and we returned to our seats.  For some reason it wasn't near as nerve-racking as standing before our whole parish. 

After the ceremony was over, we took a few photos outside and then headed out.  Tom, Trina, Rob and I headed to the Olive Garden where we had a very nice dinner.  A great end to a most wonderful and memorable day.

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