Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37

Waaaay back in September, I shared that Billie and I were going to participate on the planning committee for the Real Heroes Breakfast.

As part of our duties, yesterday, we went to TRAC to 'taste test' the breakfast menu.  Billie had narrowed it down to two choices, and the chef prepared them to let us choose.  Not a bad chore to have to do!

And tonight was one of our meetings.  We have been meeting once a month, but just like anything else, we are getting down to the wire and are now meeting every two weeks.  At the meeting they handed out the flyer and we all took a few to hand out to folks.  Everyone pretty much agreed it lacks a little luster, so to speak, but evidently the National group has asked that all area Red Crosses follow the same template and here it is. 

Back in September it seemed so far away, and now it's just around the corner!

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