Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20

I posted the bridal shower layouts yesterday, and it dawned on me that I had never posted the wedding layouts that I completed at the Scrapbooking Retreat back in November.  Instead I posted photos of Trina and I out to dinner, and the great shot of the deer I got.  Go figure!

So in an effort to stay fired up, I thought I would share my three wedding layouts.  I have to say, I thought these turned out very nice as well.  With having very few good photos of us, I did the best with what I had.  I tried to stick to the color palette of our wedding...pinks and greens with touches of grey and silver.  Thanks to a few embellishments I had picked up here and there, and a DCWV wedding paper pack Mom gave me for my birthday, I had all the touches I needed to work some magic.

And now, with the shower and the wedding completed, I just have our 'mini-honeymoon' beach trip photos to scrap, and our wedding album should be all wrapped up!

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