Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18

Today was cleaning day in Grant's Office.  But, boy what a mess.  I guess it has to get worse, before it can get better.

We are in the process of moving at work.  We are not moving out, just swapping offices.  Grant, Bre and I are all doing a switcharoo.  It seems like a lot of work for little benefit, but there really is a method to our madness.  Grant is having to move first, and is taking full advantage by mucking out his entire office...files, drawers, name it, he chucked it.  Even filled the recycle the brim!

Next will be my turn in the hopper, as I work my way into Grant's office, so Bre can work her way into mine.  So stay tuned as the move progresses, I'm sure there will be more photos to follow.

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