Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

At work first thing this morning, I was standing in Grant's office when we noticed a strange phenomenon.  It was a scene straight out of Hitchcock.  It appeared to be hundreds of birds landing in trees, taking off, circling, and landing again and again all through our neighborhood.  It looked like a giant swarm of bees.

Billie and I stood in Grant's office for quite a while...we were a little in awe and a little freaked out.  It was kind of unsettling...what did all those birds know that we didn't???  Since they didn't seem to be going anywhere fast, I took my camera out and tried to get a couple shots.  They didn't turn out all that great, and I probably wouldn't have used them for my picture of the day...but lo and behold, when I looked at my trusty sheet, the Photo Challenge prompt for today was Movement.

Well, I tell you, there sure was some strange movements going on this morning!!

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