Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

It's kind of crazy title (yes...pun intended), but it's actually a pretty good book.  I bought this book several years back and read a good portion of it, then put it on the shelf. 

It really isn't so much about anxiety - as in panic attacks, or phobias - as in deathly afraid of heights or spiders.  It's more about what makes us tick, our unconscious thought patterns, our negative self-talk, our self-esteem and self-image.  All these things are tied up in what makes us afraid, angry, anxious, stressed, etc.

After a bit of a rough day, I thought it was a good idea to retrieve it, and take another look at it.  So far I've read a couple chapters, and now I'm headed to bed to read a little more.  Reading things like this usually have a two-fold result for me...I often feel bad at first, and think, WOW, I do that, I have that, I'm that way.  But then I think, well, now I can try to change it gives me a bit of hope too.  So here's to a little self-discovery...

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