Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10

Today's Photo Challenge prompt was just titled Real Life.  I love how Katrina just puts a word or two as the prompt and you can draw from it what you will.

For me, my real life is chock-full of emotions, always bubbling just below the surface.  I tend to wear them on my sleeve, hard as I try not to.  And, more often than not, my real life emotions overflow as tears.  I find that I am in need of tissue more than I would like to admit.  And today was certainly no exception.  It was one of those days where it was everything, yet nothing at all.  I tried to explain it to Rob, but could only articulate that I've had a heavy heart today.  And at bedtime, my heavy heart overflowed, as did the tears, and I was in need of much tissue.

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