Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31

After 18 years of working for Benton Co Fire District No. 1, today is Arliss' last day.  She starts a new journey as a retired woman tomorrow.

And on her last day, what did she do, but give us gifts!  She was so thoughtful and gave each of the ladies these cute little soda fountain glasses, stuffed with little footies (soda), topped with a scrubbie (whipped cream), and an emery board (straw).  Attached is a little note that says; Retirement - Six Saturdays and a Sunday.  It has been soda-lightful working with you. ~ Arliss

We had a great turnout of well wishers at the office all throughout the day.  She received a lot of very nice cards, some great gifts, beautiful flowers, and lots of sincere thanks.

All of us at the Fire Admin Center wish her all the best.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29

Meeting Minnie Lilly!

Billie and Keith got a new puppy this weekend, a 9 week old Cocker Spaniel they named (obviously) Minnie.  Today, Keith brought her into the office for a visit and to introduce her to everyone.

She's the sweetest little thing...and she is little.   She's so small and light...and so very black.  I took lots of pictures of her, but you can't make out her face it's so dark, and not to mention how quick you have to be, because she moves fast! 

I did get a couple good ones of her here though, meeting Grant...just like Baylee did 8 years ago!!  I love how happy dogs and puppies make him...not so much babies or kids...but he'll take a puppy any day of the week. As would most of us.  I mean who can resist a face like this??

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28

Yesterday while sitting in church reading the weekly bulletin, Rob pointed out that Catholic Family Services was having a meeting for anyone interested in Foster Care.

It's no secret Rob and I would like to have a family, and at this point we are not sure what that may look like.  We are open to any possibility, including fostering and/or adoption.  So we attended the meeting right after work tonight to hear about their program and how it works.

After watching a video and hearing about the children in 'the system', of course there is a part of you that wants to rescue each and every one of them.  I know that we have a lot of room in our hearts for a child that has been abused or negleted, and is consequently part of the foster care system.  But it also brings to light a lot of possiblities that I need to do some praying and soul searching can I love a child who simply can't or won't love me back...can I love a child and still have my heart be ok if he or she is taken and placed back with their biological parents...things like that.

We brought home some paperwork to take some initial steps, and I would like to follow through and see where the journey takes us.  We know God has a plan for us, and they say God doesn't give you more than you can I guess we'll just have to see what He has in store, and what He thinks we're capable of!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27

For the last month my hubby has been growing a beard.  I didn't know if I would like it or not, but he asked me to just give it a chance...and so I did.  I have to say, I really don't mind it.  I guess it's kind of a winter look.  But, honestly I do prefer the goatee better.

He has decided today is the last day...he's shaving in the morning  So I had to take one last picture of this bearded face.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26

I worked on another mini album today...well an album of sorts.  I've saved all of the cards Rob and I have exchanged on special occasions.  I wanted to do something special with them, especially all of those 'firsts'...first birthday, first Christmas, first Valentine's Day, etc.  So I punched a hold in the middle, along the binding of each of them, put a binder ring through them, and then added a front and back chipboard piece. 

I decorated the chipboard simply, with paper and ribbon, and added a roughed up 'our first year' to the front.  It's actually pretty cute.  I ran out of creative steam before I added the decorated cardstock dividers for each 'occasion', but once I do, it will be complete! 

Another Keepsake Album of those little something specials...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25

Tonight Kim and Michelle threw a surprise party for their mom's 70th birthday.  And boy was she find about 20 people in her kitchen and dining room when she got home!

I spent the afternoon making cake pops for the occasion, and used the new display rack Mom got me for Christmas.  It worked GREAT, and my pops were probably the best so far.  Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo when I was all done...but got a shot of them on the food table, after a few had already been gobbled down.

I think Sharlyn was genuinely surprised and touched by all of us 'kids' coming out to wish her a happy birthday.  We had a great time...doing what we do best; eating, drinking, laughing and catching up!

Happy Birthday's to many more!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24

A little over a week ago, I blogged about putting out my Valentine's Day decorations.  And, I've already shared one of them with you, one of my Precious Moments. 

Here is another favorite that I know I did not share last LOVE blocks.  I have these blocks from Terry's Village for almost all occasions, and so of course I have them for Valentine's Day too.

A cute little bear, with heart shaped balloons sitting atop the stair step blocks...ahhh...LOVE!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23

Zzzzzz....yep, look closely, he's asleep.  I was just finishing up a few things around the house tonight, and Rob went to bed ahead of me to read (on his iPhone).  Kind of looks like he's reading, right?

But, by the time I got to bed he was already sawing logs, but all the while still holding on to his phone...pretty good muscle control hubby!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22

Alright, I'm in.  In my new office that is.  I'm not exactly settled, and Grant is currently my roomie for a few more days, but nonetheless, I'm in.

Yesterday everyone except for Richland Fire had the day off for MLK, Jr. Day.  I had planned to take the day off but went in to get a couple things done.  None of which I accomplished because Grant had some pretty big ideas about moving.  We got my desk in place yesterday.  And then today I got some more stuff brought in, along with my bookshelf and some odds and ends.

Still a ways to go...but look at my a new office...with windows!!  More to come once everything is in place.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21

I'm keeping up with my scrapbooking theme for another day.  On Saturday I mentioned that I worked on a mini album, along with the two layouts from my bridal shower.  Here is that mini album.

I was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest. I took a small chipboard album and covered each page in a different Christmas paper from a My Mind's Eye pack I had. Then I took each of the photo collage   Christmas cards Rob and I had received this year (aren't you always wondering what to do with those??), and cut apart the photos and the sentiments and attached them to each page - creating a 2012 Christmas Keepsake Album.

It was probably a little more work than I had anticipated, mostly because of the shape of the chipboard album...cutting down and then sanding all those little 'petals' was quite a chore.  But I like the idea of it so much that I may go back a do a few other years...just in a square or rectangle shape instead!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20

I posted the bridal shower layouts yesterday, and it dawned on me that I had never posted the wedding layouts that I completed at the Scrapbooking Retreat back in November.  Instead I posted photos of Trina and I out to dinner, and the great shot of the deer I got.  Go figure!

So in an effort to stay fired up, I thought I would share my three wedding layouts.  I have to say, I thought these turned out very nice as well.  With having very few good photos of us, I did the best with what I had.  I tried to stick to the color palette of our wedding...pinks and greens with touches of grey and silver.  Thanks to a few embellishments I had picked up here and there, and a DCWV wedding paper pack Mom gave me for my birthday, I had all the touches I needed to work some magic.

And now, with the shower and the wedding completed, I just have our 'mini-honeymoon' beach trip photos to scrap, and our wedding album should be all wrapped up!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19

It has been too long!  The original purpose of starting this blog, and I haven't posted a scrapbook layout since...well I can't remember!  Not that I mind that it has evolved a bit, but it's good to get back to my roots, so to speak.

Today, Trina and I made a date to scrapbook at the fire station for a few hours. We are always saying we are going to do it, but with busy lives, just never seem to manage to connect.  We had originally planned to get together on Monday, because it is MLK, Jr. Day, but switched it to today at the last minute.  And boy am I glad we did. I worked on a mini album, and then these two layouts from my bridal shower.  The photographs don't really do them justice, because I think they turned out quite nice.  And the best part is - I was able to incorporate an actual napkin from the shower, and two of the tags from the Skittles tubes.  I also used left over paper from my Thank You notes.

I had such a good day, now I'm all fired up.  I sure hope I stay that way, because I have lots of projects in the hopper!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18

Today was cleaning day in Grant's Office.  But, boy what a mess.  I guess it has to get worse, before it can get better.

We are in the process of moving at work.  We are not moving out, just swapping offices.  Grant, Bre and I are all doing a switcharoo.  It seems like a lot of work for little benefit, but there really is a method to our madness.  Grant is having to move first, and is taking full advantage by mucking out his entire office...files, drawers, name it, he chucked it.  Even filled the recycle the brim!

Next will be my turn in the hopper, as I work my way into Grant's office, so Bre can work her way into mine.  So stay tuned as the move progresses, I'm sure there will be more photos to follow.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17

Today's Photo Challenge prompt was Favorite Toy.  I remember getting that prompt last year, and photographing a stuffed animal then too.  I guess at my age, we don't have a lot of actual toys...stuffed toys are as good as it gets.

This little guy was a Christmas purchase.  When Rob and I were in Spokane we bought because it was a purchase for a good cause - the proceeds go to St. Jude Children's Hospital.  I thought I may give him away as a gift, but as I carried him through the mall, he was just so cute and so soft I kind of got attached.

Once I decided that I was going to keep him, I checked to see if he had a name, and he is called Lil' Paw.  I just loved him even more right then.  As of late, he has been sitting on my nightstand...not that there's room for him there...with the bear Rob gave me last year.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16

I did not take today's photo, but it comes to us courtesy Mom.  She is getting used to her iPhone, and being able to text, and take photos and share them.  She's really coming along pretty quickly, considering she upgraded from an old dinosaur with no features to speak of!

This morning she texted this photo to me to let me see Lucy, toasting herself in front of the fireplace. 

Ahhh...the life of a pup at Grammy's house.  Baylee and Lucy have it so 'ruff' there!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15

Do you see that?  It's a great big ol' bowl of candy.  And someone set it down RIGHT in front of me!  How rude!

I was at a meeting with Grant this afternoon...actually one quick meeting followed by one very long meeting with the city manager and a city council subcommittee.  During the second meeting they brought in bottles of water and two dishes filled with candy, and set one of them right in front of me.

Since starting our diet, I have yet to eat any 'junk' cookies, no ice cream, no candy...and I didn't fold today either.  Even though there were those little flavored Tootsie Rolls in there...Twisties...and I just love those darn things.  But no way, I didn't partake.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14

Today's Photo Challenge prompt is In Low Light.  I decided to take a picture of one of my Valentine decorations I put out yesterday...which is on top of the TV, in the armoire.  Not a lot of light going on in there.  I did run the photo through Instagram though, so she has a soft, almost nostalgic glow.

This little Precious Moments is one of three I put out, all adorned with a heart in some way.  She is a Collector's Club figurine from many years ago - in fact I think she was my very first member figurine - and she's called You're The Sweetest Cookie In The Batch.  I think she came with a heart shaped cookie cuter.  It's a sweet little token of a time quite some time ago.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13

Today is officially the last day of the Christmas Season.  It is a feast day, celebrating the Baptism of Our Lord - the day Christ himself was baptized.

For us, that meant after church the final Christmas decorations - the Christmas tree, the outdoor decorations and the Nativity - all came down, putting an end to Christmas Season 2012 at our house. 

And since it is now only one month away, it also meant the Valentine's Day decorations could come out...Yay!  I just love the pinks, the reds, the, love, love!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

It's kind of crazy title (yes...pun intended), but it's actually a pretty good book.  I bought this book several years back and read a good portion of it, then put it on the shelf. 

It really isn't so much about anxiety - as in panic attacks, or phobias - as in deathly afraid of heights or spiders.  It's more about what makes us tick, our unconscious thought patterns, our negative self-talk, our self-esteem and self-image.  All these things are tied up in what makes us afraid, angry, anxious, stressed, etc.

After a bit of a rough day, I thought it was a good idea to retrieve it, and take another look at it.  So far I've read a couple chapters, and now I'm headed to bed to read a little more.  Reading things like this usually have a two-fold result for me...I often feel bad at first, and think, WOW, I do that, I have that, I'm that way.  But then I think, well, now I can try to change it gives me a bit of hope too.  So here's to a little self-discovery...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11

Look...snow!  I know we are only technically a few weeks into winter, but this certainly was a surprise, and wasn't in the forecast for today!

Bre texted this morning on her way into the office and said it was snowing.  I thought she was pulling my leg, because there had been no sign of snow when I arrived.  But I checked the window, and sure enough it was really coming down outside.  Within a matter of minutes, the parking lot, streets and cars were covered.  It snowed for about an hour or more, giving everything a coat of sparkling white.  Then the sun came out, melted it all, and it was like it never happened!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10

Today's Photo Challenge prompt was just titled Real Life.  I love how Katrina just puts a word or two as the prompt and you can draw from it what you will.

For me, my real life is chock-full of emotions, always bubbling just below the surface.  I tend to wear them on my sleeve, hard as I try not to.  And, more often than not, my real life emotions overflow as tears.  I find that I am in need of tissue more than I would like to admit.  And today was certainly no exception.  It was one of those days where it was everything, yet nothing at all.  I tried to explain it to Rob, but could only articulate that I've had a heavy heart today.  And at bedtime, my heavy heart overflowed, as did the tears, and I was in need of much tissue.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 9

It's a little odd.  A pill bottle.  What does it all mean?  Well for me, lately, it has meant a lot.

Today's Photo Challenge prompt is Peaceful.  And what is more peaceful than a good night's sleep.  That is something I struggle with quite often.  I seldom have trouble getting to sleep - it's the staying asleep that is the problem.  I usually have a prescription to help, but sometimes, when I'm between refills, or have forgotten to call it in, I use Walmart's generic version of Tylenol PM...and I have to say, it works wonders!  And a peaceful night's sleep tonight, leads to a peaceful mind, and a peaceful tomorrow...fingers crossed!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8

Today's Photo Challenge prompt is Discouraged.  First, I thought about what discourages me in general, and it is usually the scale for sure.  Then I decided that I didn't want to focus on something negative, and besides that, lately the scale has not been all that discouraging.  Rob and I are only a few days in, but are doing very well watching what we eat, and the scale is moving for both of us.

So I took liberties and decided to turn the focus around!  What Encourages me today is in fact the scale...and hopefully will for some time to come!  There's turning a negative into a positive for ya!!

And on a side note...I am also encouraged by a new app I read about in Creating Keepsakes, and then downloaded to my phone.  It's called Picfx, and it can do all kinds of cool things...including 'stacking' effects (like adding a border and changing the look), like in this photo.  I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more from this app as I get it all figured out.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

At work first thing this morning, I was standing in Grant's office when we noticed a strange phenomenon.  It was a scene straight out of Hitchcock.  It appeared to be hundreds of birds landing in trees, taking off, circling, and landing again and again all through our neighborhood.  It looked like a giant swarm of bees.

Billie and I stood in Grant's office for quite a while...we were a little in awe and a little freaked out.  It was kind of unsettling...what did all those birds know that we didn't???  Since they didn't seem to be going anywhere fast, I took my camera out and tried to get a couple shots.  They didn't turn out all that great, and I probably wouldn't have used them for my picture of the day...but lo and behold, when I looked at my trusty sheet, the Photo Challenge prompt for today was Movement.

Well, I tell you, there sure was some strange movements going on this morning!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6

Today is the 12th day of Christmas...and the Feast of Epiphany.  We celebrate the day the Magi arrived in Bethlehem to visit Baby Jesus, and bring him gifts, and pay him homage.

This afternoon I walked past our cute little Nativity and noticed Rob had moved the shepherds out of the way, and moved the three wise men into place, in honor of Epiphany.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5

Here is all of the remaining Christmas Candy.  Today's Photo Challenge prompt is Colorful Food...and these little treasures are quite colorful...or at least their wrappers are!

Today I started the process of taking down some of our Christmas decorations.  I put away all of the stuff that gets stored in the house, like pillows, linens and a few fragile decorations.  I also gathered up all of the candy and put them into baggies, since Rob and I are officially off sweets for awhile. 

And even though I won't be touching these anytime soon, I just couldn't bring myself to throw them all out!  I guess it will be a testament to my willpower to leave them be.  Or maybe I'll take them to matter what it is, it always gets eaten at the office, that's for sure!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4

Today's Photo Challenge prompt is Fur.  So here is one of my fur babies, Lucy. 

Tonight she is just lying snuggled up next to my feet, sleeping away as Rob and I watch TV.  She's got such a funny little shape to her, poor thing with no neck!  And she's got funny little wisps of fur right now...because just yesterday was bath day!  Thanks to Rob the girls are squeaky clean again...not that I anticipate the clean feeling lasting for very long...especially this time of year!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3

These are my rosary beads. They were a gift from my good friend (and sponsor) Trina.

Being very new to Catholicism, I didn't really know exactly what to do with them when she first gave them to me a couple months ago. But I have since done some reading, learned some more about it and have started to pray the Rosary. Admittedly I haven't taken the time to do it as often as I would like...but I carry these with me always and know they are there for me when I need them.

Today's prompt was Repetition. I did a little thinking about what I do that is repetitious...then I was struck by the coincide, I'm sure. Even if I'm not praying a full rosary, sometimes I find myself repeating a few Hail Marys and a couple Our Fathers to bring peace to a stressful situation, to calm my anxiety, or to quiet my often very noisy mind!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2

Today's prompt is New Beginnings. And today is a new beginning for both Rob and I (and most everyone else I know!) in the way of diet. Today my afternoon snack of choice will be this delicious and nutritious apple.

After losing 65 pounds in 2011, I took a year off so to speak, and unfortunately a bulk of it crept back on during 2012. But there was a lot of changes going on this past year, and they say marriage will pack on a pound or two for people, and clearly Rob and I are no exception.

There's no denying I felt better, looked better and had more confidence after shedding that weight, and I'm determined to do it again...and maybe even more.

So, number three on my list of resolutions is about weight loss. Today is a new beginning of me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

Yep, I'm one of those people.  I made a list of resolutions to start the year off right.  I may be one of those people, but I'm also a realist.  I know I may or may not make all of these things habits, or be successful at each one, but as I see it, it sure doesn't hurt to try.

Every year I enjoy January 1st.  I've said it before, and I'll say it's a clean slate and a fresh start.  Everything that got muddied up, didn't get finished, went awry in 2012 is all water under the bridge now.  I'm thankful to God for giving me another chance...a chance to make changes, and a chance to do better.

One of my seven resolutions...number six on the list to be exact...has to do with my hobbies.  I am going to make a real effort to engage in and find joy in my hobbies of papercrafting and photography.  So I am recommitting to Project 365 for 2013, and blogging about it.  For 2012 I made it somewhere into October before things really went south and I gave up on the daily photos.  I didn't stop taking pictures altogether, and I did blog about what pictures I had...I just missed that 'each and every day' part.  So...a chance to make changes, and a chance to do better.

I started to feel like my photos were so mundane and uninteresting.  Mostly I was photographing food, the pets, or holiday decorations, over and over and it felt boring.  But I realize now that it doesn't matter.  One day I will look back on these everyday photos and remember what I forgot; That dish I used to make, or when Baylee or Lucy used to do that thing, or look like that, or when I had that Easter decoration.  So mundane or not, I'm going to take a photo of life each day.  I'm going to try to use the inspiration and photo challenge boards today, the prompt from Capture Your 365 was Resolve.  So this is a shot of what I resolve to do in 2013.

So happy 2013 everyone!!  Many blessings to you and yours in the coming year!!