Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 191

It's not the picture I had hoped for...the fierce lightening bolt jetting from the sky...but it's still a pretty cool photo.

Tonight, Rob and I were both at our computers as it got dark outside.  I thought I was seeing flashes outside, but it was hard to make out until it became dark...then you could see the flashes light up the entire sky!  They were pretty impressive, I must say...along with the amazing thundering booms right over the house!

We both went outside to watch the storm as it traveled overhead.  Try as I might, I could not seem to point my camera in the direction of the lightening as it happened!  This is something I need to work on, because I would really like to be able to capture one of those rare shots.  I was pointing my camera in anticipation of the next bolt when it happened just to the left {if you look close, all the way to the left, you can just see the tail}...but I managed to get this shot off of it lighting up the sky and the cloud cover.

I may be getting some more practice soon...I think this just may be the first of some good old fashioned summer storms brewing!

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