Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 301

One of the firefighters on my department, Steve Austin, has a 10 year old son who was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (pictured on top of the fire truck).  Tonight, with the organizational help of many folks, a Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser was held at the Shilo Inn to help the family out.

Rob and I, along with Billie and Keith, Shauna and Osanin, Bre and so many others attended.  In fact, there was a great turnout, and over $11k was raised!  They had a photographer present, Scott Butner, who took the RFD family outside and shot this great photo.  So today's photo of the day is not one of mine, but is courtesy Scott.

I'm proud of my RFD family...way to go!

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