Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 278

Today, several of us from our office attended a seminar called Developing Your Emotional Intelligence.  It was a pretty good class, filled with a lot of information; admittedly some stuff you already know because common sense dictates, some you have already heard in other self-help or business workshops, but some of it was new or had a different twist to it that made you go, hmmmm.

The first half of the day we spent concentrating on us, individually. Learning about our communication style(s), before moving on in the afternoon to 'them', and what we can do better in dealing with others.

I thought it was a pretty good class, and a took away a couple good tips, not only for use in the office with co-workers, but also at home. (Like 'QTIP'.  That's a good one for me to remember...Quit Taking It Personally!!) Because it is a fact that we all could use some help in communicating with others... especially me!

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