Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 144

Now these are some serious cupcakes...jumbo cupcakes.  This picture of the last two delicious monster cupcakes was taken moments before being devoured!

I made these fun-fetti cupcakes on Sunday, sort of as a way of acknowledging my dad's birthday.  Sunday he would have turned 65.  Try as I might, I just couldn't shake the sadness I felt that day...and through these last few days too.  This birthday was harder than the last two for some reason.  I think because 65 is supposed to mark some kind of milestone in life...usually it's the start of retirement, the beginning of your golden years, and I just can't get passed feeling like he was robbed of that...and so was I.  So, in a small way, a quiet way, my way, we acknowledged him on his special day; We had a BBQ, and I made these cupcakes. 

Tonight Rob and I ate these last two...and just like goes on.

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