Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138

Here's something we've never done...had a bedroom picnic.

Today Rob's back went out again.  And this time, it's a doozer.  The poor guy is in a lot of pain, and can barely take weight on his right leg.  I really think the culprit is sitting in a computer chair all day.  But with Rob's new job as an Accounts Executive, unfortunately, he'll be spending a lot more time at the computer.

Tonight when we got home from work, I helped get him to the bed where he could lie flat.  Then I had to take Baylee to the vet for another adjustment due to the leg injury she's still nursing along.  On the way home it was kind of late, so I opted out of cooking and for Mexican take-out instead.  And since Rob wasn't really up for moving around much, I brought dinner to him.  I set up a couple of TV trays, and we ate together on the side of bed.

That's us...always trying to spend time together, and trying to be a bit romantic, even in trying times...(permission to laugh out loud here...).

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