Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 254

This might sound kind of silly to some...but that's ok.  Rob and I started reading a book together last night.  And by together, I mean we take turns reading a chapter to each other.  And tonight, we read some more.

It's a book I read years ago...but seriously have no recollection of the story or plot.  As we've read these last two nights, not one thing sounds familiar.  But some of the pages are dog-eared, so I really think I've read it before.

It's a series of nine books by Jack Cavanaugh about a family that starts off in England, and then comes to America.  Each book essentially tells of a generation of the family, as it wraps up in present day.  So far, I'm kind of hooked, and after only a couple chapters I can't wait to find out what happens next!  And I really am enjoying the time with Rob, doing something together besides tuning out in front of the tv.

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