I don't mean to make light of it. It really isn't funny, but what are you going to do? As I sat on the floor of the bedroom panicking and sobbing earlier tonight at the realization that my ring was gone, it didn't feel the least bit light or funny.
Ever since our wedding day, having both my rings on has been causing fits with my finger. I really have just been too puffy to wear them. (And NO...haven't had them soldered yet, haven't had them sized yet...) I had them both on today at work, and felt like they were too tight and took them off. On my way out the door at 5:00 I grabbed them and threw them in my pocket. I know, I know...DUMB! I left my office, got in the car, picked up Rob and went straight home...but I made it home with my engagement ring only...the wedding band is gone.
I haven't quite given up hope just yet though. I really feel like it has to be in my office building, the parking lot, the car, or the house...somehow it's going to turn up...I hope.
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