Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 80

This is how I ended my Friday night...leaving my computer and paperwork like this, and Rob calling me to bed. 

Today while I was at work, I discovered that our checking account did not match the online banking. I'm off by $77.54...and I could seriously spend hours trying to track that down. I'm one of those people that balance to the penny - and I log into our account every few days, and just balanced a couple of days ago.  I have a hunch that this may be attributed to an update they did to the online banking, but I can't be sure. 

So tonight I combed through the last three months of statements trying to find answers, because my OCD won't let me let it go...but I wasn't able to find it. I guess I'm going to have to let it go for now, at least for the weekend, until I can get with someone from the bank.

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