Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 355

What a mess!  What a disaster!  What fun!

So here is the result of Rob's and my first attempt at a gingerbread house.  A basic calamity.  When I pulled out the directions for this thing, I couldn't believe how convoluted it seemed.  First you had to ice all the sides together, then wait at least a couple hours before adding the roof.  Then you had to wait at least a day to decorate.  Believe it or not, I did all that.

This afternoon it was time to decorate.  Rob and I really got into it...getting all the candies on the roof, I added frosting icicles, he made a gumdrop window, and we added gumdrops all around the door.  I was just about to add the decorations to the base when one of the sides gave way.  I was trying to ease it back into place with a knife when the weight of the roof caused it to start slipping.  At that point, I knew there was going to be no recovering from it.  I quickly stepped back just as the whole thing imploded!

I got just a tear in one eye, as the frustration and sadness started, when Rob reminded me of just how funny it was, and we both started to laugh.  What were the two of us really going to do with a gingerbread house anyway?  And besides, it had been a lot of fun while it lasted...I guess we made a memory for ourselves...and took a picture for posterity!

Next already assembled house.  Or better yet, an already decorated one!

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