Alright, I know that picture of my bloody foot is less than desirable, but I just had to do it to tell the story. First of all, I'm so excited because today, I joined Origami Owl as a designer!! Oh my gosh, I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but I'm super excited. Since going over to Trina's the other night, I've been tossing the idea around, and with Rob's full support, I jumped in today and signed up.

After work, I swung into Target for some stuff for tomorrow's 4th celebration and saw this darling, yummy, retro looking, Origami Owl colored Cotton Candy candle. So I purchased it along a cake mix.
Just after paying, I proceeded to drop my sack right at the check stand, onto the floor, where I heard the candle shatter. Unbeknownst to me, however, was the fact that it had landed half on the floor, half on my foot...not until I was walking to the back of the store to fetch another candle and the pain, and the wetness clued my numb brain into looking down to see blood oozing from my foot. OUCH!
What a klutz...and as Melanie would say...how embarrassing!!
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