Today is my momma's birthday! And because it happen to fall on our Friday off, Billie and I, along with Melanie spent the day with Mom...having a girls day, celebrating her birthday.
To start the day, I whipped up some cherry chip cupcakes this morning. The tradition for Mom's birthday is mud pie, but this year she said she wanted cupcakes. I used the usual cake mix, but in an effort to keep them good and moist, added an extra egg and some sour cream...mmm mm. Then I topped them with cream cheese frosting, with maraschino cherry juice mixed right in and a half cherry on top. They looked so cute...but admittedly when all together, they looked like a bunch of...well...let's say I called them my Breast Cancer Awareness cupcakes!

This afternoon we all met at Mom's and headed out to lunch. She chose
Fujiyama's...she had been there once and liked it, Melanie is kind of a regular, and for Billie and I, it was our first time. We had a pretty entertaining Chef who cooked our meal to order, while using our food to make things like a fried rice fish, and an onion stacked birthday candle. At the end of our meal, they came out with drums and gongs and sang Happy Birthday Fujiyama style...complete with a slice of cake and a candle to make a wish on!

After filling our bellies, we headed out for a first of the season. Can't wait for spring to let my toes out! Then we headed back to Mom's for gifts, cupcakes and ice cream. To wrap up the day, Melanie, Mom and I decided to see a movie, and headed out to Winter's Tale.
It was a great, long, celebratory day, and I sure hope Mom enjoyed herself, and felt the love today...on her very special birthday.
Happy Birthday to the very best momma!