Yep, I'm one of those people. I made a list of resolutions to start the year off right. I may be one of those people, but I'm also a realist. I know I may or may not make all of these things habits, or be successful at each one, but as I see it, it sure doesn't hurt to try.
Every year I enjoy January 1st. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...it's a clean slate and a fresh start. Everything that got muddied up, didn't get finished, went awry in 2012 is all water under the bridge now. I'm thankful to God for giving me another chance...a chance to make changes, and a chance to do better.
One of my seven resolutions...number six on the list to be exact...has to do with my hobbies. I am going to make a real effort to engage in and find joy in my hobbies of papercrafting and photography. So I am recommitting to Project 365 for 2013, and blogging about it. For 2012 I made it somewhere into October before things really went south and I gave up on the daily photos. I didn't stop taking pictures altogether, and I did blog about what pictures I had...I just missed that 'each and every day' part. So...a chance to make changes, and a chance to do better.
I started to feel like my photos were so mundane and uninteresting. Mostly I was photographing food, the pets, or holiday decorations, over and over and it felt boring. But I realize now that it doesn't matter. One day I will look back on these everyday photos and remember what I forgot; That dish I used to make, or when Baylee or Lucy used to do that thing, or look like that, or when I had that Easter decoration. So mundane or not, I'm going to take a photo of life each day. I'm going to try to use the inspiration and photo challenge boards more...like today, the prompt from Capture Your 365 was Resolve. So this is a shot of what I resolve to do in 2013.
So happy 2013 everyone!! Many blessings to you and yours in the coming year!!
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