Were we lost? Most of the time! Were we confused? A little bit! About 3/4 of the way through the Mass I realized that a few other people were trying to follow along too, that's why they were holding onto the laminated colored cards found in the pews. They are essential the 'cheat sheet' for Mass. If you don't know a particular prayer, or a response to the priest, almost all of it is included on the cheat sheet. Phew...that's a relief for next time.
I did feel a little overwhelmed by it all, but at the same time, strangely at home there. I really enjoyed the message Father Champoux shared, and could have listened to him go on a lot longer in fact. I'm sure as Rob and I attend, we'll become more and more comfortable with the participatory part of the Mass, and what we are supposed to do and when.
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