With Rob working all weekend, I spent the bulk of my time cleaning the house. Although it felt really good to get a handle on things and a bit more organized, this afternoon I needed a break from the dust rag and vacuum.
I had already tried out my new jumbo muffin pan, so I decided it was time to break in the mini. It seemed so straight forward, going from regular size to mini...but I have to admit I struggled from the get-go. First I overfilled each cupcake liner and ended up with 'muffin tops' making them top heavy, constantly tipping over. Then I used a smaller pastry bag to frost with a small tip, and ended up overfilling the bag as well, which resulted in a mess and me racing through the frosting process. What I ended up with were frosted, top heavy cupcakes that tip over. Yikes.
The good news...looks aside, they were very tasty! A milk chocolate cupcake with an almond cream cheese frosting. And, since I made them for no real reason, just to enjoy and share with Mom, it was good trial run and now I know what NOT to do!!
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