This was the view from our sliding glass door tonight. A wee little grass fire, right across the freeway.
I was dropping Rob and the girls off at home, and just heading back out the door again to tan...when something caught my eye. Although pretty small, it was a grass fire moving quickly toward the RV park and mini storage. But of course in no time Pasco Fire was on it...and had it out.
I guess fire season is upon us?!?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Day 151
Aren't these just gorgeous? And if you could just get a whiff of them...oh my!
This is a lovely bunch of peonies right out of Shauna's yard. Unfortunately they bloomed a couple weeks too early, or these would have been just perfect for the wedding. They are exactly what I wanted...maybe a few in a brighter pink...but I would have loved just these. And after the flower shop told me peonies go for $8 or $9 a stem...I'd say Shauna has herself a $100 bouquet up on her desk!!
Thanks Shauna for bringing them for all of us to enjoy!
This is a lovely bunch of peonies right out of Shauna's yard. Unfortunately they bloomed a couple weeks too early, or these would have been just perfect for the wedding. They are exactly what I wanted...maybe a few in a brighter pink...but I would have loved just these. And after the flower shop told me peonies go for $8 or $9 a stem...I'd say Shauna has herself a $100 bouquet up on her desk!!
Thanks Shauna for bringing them for all of us to enjoy!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Day 150
Nope..there's no special significance or special's really just a pineapple. Rob and I stopped and bought groceries tonight, and one of the things we brought home was a pineapple.
I love to eat them, but I also just like the way they look...even after being put through Instagram!
I love to eat them, but I also just like the way they look...even after being put through Instagram!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Day 149
It's a party, and everyone is invited!
Today I was just hanging at home, when I heard a fire engine coming down the freeway. As it passed I realized I was looking at Hanford Fire's Aerial truck going code in Pasco, and I thought something really big must be happening.
Turns out, the old hotel down on Lewis street was on fire, and went to a 4th alarm...4th alarm, that almost NEVER happens!
Mom happen to be out and about and swung by and picked Rob and I up and we ran down to be looky-lou's. All of the action was pretty much over, but there remained a pretty impressive fleet of apparatus. Haven't seen this much stuff in one place in a very long time!
Today I was just hanging at home, when I heard a fire engine coming down the freeway. As it passed I realized I was looking at Hanford Fire's Aerial truck going code in Pasco, and I thought something really big must be happening.
Turns out, the old hotel down on Lewis street was on fire, and went to a 4th alarm...4th alarm, that almost NEVER happens!
Mom happen to be out and about and swung by and picked Rob and I up and we ran down to be looky-lou's. All of the action was pretty much over, but there remained a pretty impressive fleet of apparatus. Haven't seen this much stuff in one place in a very long time!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Day 148
What's a better way to celebrate Memorial Day than to get out all of your Red, White and Blue?
You all know how I love to decorate for the holidays...and thanks to Pinterest, I'm already excited for the Fourth of July! With Rob's encouragement, I decided Memorial Day weekend was the perfect time to celebrate our patriotism, and decorate the house. So today I did just that. I rearranged the furniture, then got out my tote with the items that remain from my Americana decorating days.
Thankfully, I hung on to a few of my favorite things, like these USA letters, and am able to use them as decorations for awhile...Memorial Day, Flag Day and the 4th.
Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Day 147
It's that time again. Time for the Farmer's Market.
This morning mom and I were up and out the door early. We grabbed a coffee at Starbucks and headed downtown to the Market. This is the third Saturday in a row I've hit the Market...mostly because of this...asparagus. Right now, I think Rob and I could eat it grilled on the BBQ with just about every meal.
Today though, not only did I get the usual asparagus, I also chose a few cucumbers, a couple zucchini, and even some sugar snap peas. I know that I could probably get some of this stuff a little cheaper in the grocery store, but it's nice to know that your stuff is so fresh, sometimes picked just that morning, and it's good to support your local growers.
I'm looking forward to the new crops coming just around the corner, and fresh produce all summer long!
This morning mom and I were up and out the door early. We grabbed a coffee at Starbucks and headed downtown to the Market. This is the third Saturday in a row I've hit the Market...mostly because of this...asparagus. Right now, I think Rob and I could eat it grilled on the BBQ with just about every meal.
Today though, not only did I get the usual asparagus, I also chose a few cucumbers, a couple zucchini, and even some sugar snap peas. I know that I could probably get some of this stuff a little cheaper in the grocery store, but it's nice to know that your stuff is so fresh, sometimes picked just that morning, and it's good to support your local growers.
I'm looking forward to the new crops coming just around the corner, and fresh produce all summer long!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Day 146
Today it's me...just lil ol' me.
I was at work...and ok, a little bored. I started taking photos of myself to send to Rob. I usually hate getting my photo taken, and consequently there aren't a whole lot of here's one for the record books. A fuzzy little Instagram photo of me.
I was at work...and ok, a little bored. I started taking photos of myself to send to Rob. I usually hate getting my photo taken, and consequently there aren't a whole lot of here's one for the record books. A fuzzy little Instagram photo of me.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Day 145
Thirsty, anyone?
I guess you could say Rob and I are a couple of beverage drinkers...I guess.
I looked in the refrigerator tonight, and just for a moment realized how much liquid was in there for only two people. So, I took them all out, and lined them up on the know, for a visual effect.
But I mean, doesn't everyone need water, milk, tea, Crystal Light, apple juice and soda(s)??
I guess you could say Rob and I are a couple of beverage drinkers...I guess.
I looked in the refrigerator tonight, and just for a moment realized how much liquid was in there for only two people. So, I took them all out, and lined them up on the know, for a visual effect.
But I mean, doesn't everyone need water, milk, tea, Crystal Light, apple juice and soda(s)??
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Day 144
I made these fun-fetti cupcakes on Sunday, sort of as a way of acknowledging my dad's birthday. Sunday he would have turned 65. Try as I might, I just couldn't shake the sadness I felt that day...and through these last few days too. This birthday was harder than the last two for some reason. I think because 65 is supposed to mark some kind of milestone in life...usually it's the start of retirement, the beginning of your golden years, and I just can't get passed feeling like he was robbed of that...and so was I. So, in a small way, a quiet way, my way, we acknowledged him on his special day; We had a BBQ, and I made these cupcakes.
Tonight Rob and I ate these last two...and just like goes on.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Day 143
Poor Little Lucy. Now she has an owie!
Rob and I attempted to clip Lucy's very long nails tonight. I was almost finished with her back feet when I got one of her nails too short. She started bleeding, and we couldn't get it to stop. She bled and bled and bled. I tried so hard to hold her, to get the bleeding to stop, to comfort her, and to keep blood from going everywhere in the was like a tiny little geyser, spouting from her toenail.
She was such a trooper though. I ended up holding her for nearly an hour and a half before the bleeding subsided, and for the most part she cooperated...even falling asleep a couple times, like in this picture.
Guess it's time to call the groomer, and let the professionals handle this little pup. I don't want her or I to have to go through that again!
Rob and I attempted to clip Lucy's very long nails tonight. I was almost finished with her back feet when I got one of her nails too short. She started bleeding, and we couldn't get it to stop. She bled and bled and bled. I tried so hard to hold her, to get the bleeding to stop, to comfort her, and to keep blood from going everywhere in the was like a tiny little geyser, spouting from her toenail.
She was such a trooper though. I ended up holding her for nearly an hour and a half before the bleeding subsided, and for the most part she cooperated...even falling asleep a couple times, like in this picture.
Guess it's time to call the groomer, and let the professionals handle this little pup. I don't want her or I to have to go through that again!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Day 142
Tonight I went and signed up for a month of tanning. It's getting close to the wedding, and this girl needs a little (or a lot) of color! Can't be wearing a white dress with legs as white. And, much to my luck and surprise, Golden Palm was running a special for May - buy a lotion and get a free month of tanning...It's like a twofer. I mean I needed lotion anyway, so what a deal. Hopefully this stuff is magic in a bottle!
Instead of the lotion I should have taken a 'before' picture of my lily-white self!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Day 141
It was really warm today, kind of overcast and humid, but nice and warm. We even barbecued and had Mom over for dinner. But as the evening went on, the house was just not cooling off. When I got into bed, I realized Baylee was in her bed, but Lucy wasn't...which isn't too unusual. Sometimes she likes to curl up right next to my side of the bed as we all go to sleep. But when I looked to find her, she was laying here - just outside the bathroom door...I think where the she could get a breeze from the open window and the fan blowing just in front of her, trying to stay cool.
She's just such a funny little dog...
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Day 140

Rob's back is better, but still on the mend, so he spent a better part of the day resting it. I got up (without showering) and went out and about to run a few errands, but that was it. The rest of the day was spent being lazy, and cuddling, and watching TV.
Not really a bad way to spend the day if you ask me.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Day 139
My sister-in-law Wendy is throwing my brother a 40th birthday party next month.'s a surprise! One of the things she's doing is putting together a poster board with a couple photos of him that she will have on display at the party. There will space for everyone to sign...then she plans to frame it for him as a keepsake. She had talked to me about doing up some things on my Cricut to add to the poster his name, and his 'motto'; "I may have to grow old, but I don't have to grow up". The theme, of course, is western, with a red, black and white bandanna motif.
I decided today, come hell or high water I was getting this project done. I even asked Mom to come over and keep me company...and on task. I'm famous for seeing something shiny and moving on to something else. Thankfully, Mom wasn't doing anything and did just that. She was helpful in bouncing ideas around too, like size and color - and just made the day more fun.
When I was done, I put this lid down and laid out all of the pieces I made (obviously a little funky on a purple background!). Then quickly gathered them back up to get them out in the mail before the post office closed at 5:00.
It was fun to get to do something in my scrap space was nice to spend the day with was good to be doing something for someone else...and it was great not to work on my Friday off - at all! Like I said...what a day!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 138
Today Rob's back went out again. And this time, it's a doozer. The poor guy is in a lot of pain, and can barely take weight on his right leg. I really think the culprit is sitting in a computer chair all day. But with Rob's new job as an Accounts Executive, unfortunately, he'll be spending a lot more time at the computer.
Tonight when we got home from work, I helped get him to the bed where he could lie flat. Then I had to take Baylee to the vet for another adjustment due to the leg injury she's still nursing along. On the way home it was kind of late, so I opted out of cooking and for Mexican take-out instead. And since Rob wasn't really up for moving around much, I brought dinner to him. I set up a couple of TV trays, and we ate together on the side of bed.
That's us...always trying to spend time together, and trying to be a bit romantic, even in trying times...(permission to laugh out loud here...).
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 137
I guess I'll try to capture Old Glory waving in the wind. I always like a good photo of the flag...I never tire of Her.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day 136

This frustrated guy has been missing his contacts for some time now, especially while outside and needing sunglasses. He's had to make the choice between good vision with his glasses, or being shielded by the sun's rays! But no longer does he need to choose! Today he went to the optometrist and was given a new pair of bifocal lenses to try...and so far, so good.
Now he's a happy guy, back in contacts again!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 135
I read all of the etiquette information I could find on the subject. Most of the information stated that if you were not actually having a wedding, attended by guests, that registering is a kind of faux pas. Some other information did say that registering is appreciated by friends and family by giving them an idea of what to purchase, in the event they do choose to buy a gift.
Once it was decided there was going to be a bridal shower, I started getting questions about where we were I made the decision to go ahead and put a few things on a list at two of Rob and I's favorite (and practical) places to shop.
Happy shopping everyone.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Day 134
First, we had a nice brunch with Mom this morning. I tried a Taste of Home recipe I found on Pinterest for Amish Breakfast Casserole. It really was quite delicious and relatively easy to put together. Rob said he'd like me to make it up every weekend so he could have it for breakfast during the week. We also enjoyed fresh fruit, and that Braid Bread I put out last night. I sure hope she enjoyed her Mother's Day.
After Mom left, we ended up doing our regular Sunday chores of laundry and lawn mowing. Then we decided to break out the steaks and asparagus, and fire up the grill. Dinner was YUM-O!! I see a whole lot of grilling in our future!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Day 133

This is my very last one from the batch I bought a few months back. I guess I have been saving it for a special occasion...and what could be more special than Mother's Day.
Tomorrow Mom is coming over for brunch to celebrate the day, so I took this out tonight, and by tomorrow will be more than twice this size, and after a little cooking, ready to be devoured!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Day 132
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Day 131
10 months on the 10th! Tonight was yet another anniversary for Rob and I...10 months since our first date.
Rob happened to have the night off, and so we went out and shopping. Rob was told today that he may be taking on a different aspect of his job at work, which would require him to dress in a little bit more of a business attire. So we went out to the mall and went shopping...or as Mom said...School Shopping. Here are the fruits of our labor...and it was is not for the weak! We were able to get a couple shirts, pants, socks, a belt and a pair of shoes just to get him started. Then we went out for Chinese. What a romantic anniversary...
Truth be told, it actually was great, just because we were able to spend an evening together.
Rob happened to have the night off, and so we went out and shopping. Rob was told today that he may be taking on a different aspect of his job at work, which would require him to dress in a little bit more of a business attire. So we went out to the mall and went shopping...or as Mom said...School Shopping. Here are the fruits of our labor...and it was is not for the weak! We were able to get a couple shirts, pants, socks, a belt and a pair of shoes just to get him started. Then we went out for Chinese. What a romantic anniversary...
Truth be told, it actually was great, just because we were able to spend an evening together.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Day 130
I have to say, although this picture doesn't look all that appetizing with nearly 1/2 of it devoured, this was really was a very tasty recipe. I will definitely be making this recipe again. I think I will need to cut back on a little bit of the liquid, because it left it almost too moist, but really very flavorful for a meatloaf. The recipe says that it also makes great meatloaf sandwiches, so I'm thinking Rob will be the judge of that tomorrow.
For our dinner, I added a little Caesar salad, mushroom rice, and breadsticks...delish!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Day 129
This is where I spent the better part of the day...Kadlec Hospital. Thankfully though, this time I was only a visitor!!
Today Billie had an out-patient procedure. And although it was not a major surgery, any surgery at all is still a big deal. So Mom and I hung out at the hospital for most of the afternoon with Keith, waiting on her to go through surgery and recovery.
We are thankful she came through it all like a trooper, and is now home on the mend, taking it easy, resting and recuperating!
Today Billie had an out-patient procedure. And although it was not a major surgery, any surgery at all is still a big deal. So Mom and I hung out at the hospital for most of the afternoon with Keith, waiting on her to go through surgery and recovery.
We are thankful she came through it all like a trooper, and is now home on the mend, taking it easy, resting and recuperating!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Day 128
Oh, it's been one of those weekends. And now, I'm afraid it's one of those Mondays!
Because of Baylee's little injury, she is having to take medication. I'm not sure if that's what has done it, or just the overall trauma of the event and the subsequent trip to the vet's, but the poor little thing has had a bad tummy. And when you can't get around very easily or very quickly, having a bad tummy is no fun. In fact, as we going out the door this morning, I asked Rob to go into the office and grab my camera. Much to his surprise, Baylee had had an accident in there sometime in the night. What a way to start a morning...a Monday morning no scrubbing the carpet.
All I have to say is thank goodness for the Woolite Oxy Deep sure gets those pet stains out!
Because of Baylee's little injury, she is having to take medication. I'm not sure if that's what has done it, or just the overall trauma of the event and the subsequent trip to the vet's, but the poor little thing has had a bad tummy. And when you can't get around very easily or very quickly, having a bad tummy is no fun. In fact, as we going out the door this morning, I asked Rob to go into the office and grab my camera. Much to his surprise, Baylee had had an accident in there sometime in the night. What a way to start a morning...a Monday morning no scrubbing the carpet.
All I have to say is thank goodness for the Woolite Oxy Deep sure gets those pet stains out!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Day 127
I just couldn't let the month of April go by without posting my calendar though...I'm on a roll with each month. And since I haven't got around to changing it to May just yet, and because I have nothing better to post little April calendar, strictly for your enjoyment! Ha ha!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Day 126
Last night while we were over at Mom's, Baylee was out in the backyard and let out with a yelp. After that, she refused to put any weight on her left hind leg. She seemed to struggle through the night, letting out little yelps when she would try to adjust in her bed, and has continued to bear very little weight on it. So, I made the tough decision to take her to the vet this morning. You just never know with this dog...she's such a drama queen, is she really hurt, or just really playing it up?? But the last thing I wanted to do was have it get worse and end up with an emergency vet bill on a Sunday.
The injured ligament in her little knee. They gave her a couple shots for the pain, which led her to promptly melt right into the rug, eyes glassy...kind of stoned. So, with some pain meds, anti-inflammatories, a lot of rest, and tons of TLC, hopefully she will be on the mend, here in her little healing area.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Day 125

Don't the ol' toes look spiffy? I have already been sporting flip-flops and sandals, and thought it was about time to get the feet done by a professional. Today, after I worked for awhile, I headed over to LA Nails & Spa for a little foot pampering. Thanks to mom, I even had a gift certificate, so the whole thing was on her!
Thanks mom...and thanks to the lady who got me all summer-prepped!!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Day 124
Rob texted this afternoon to tell me they called to say my wedding ring was back from being sized. So, I snuck out of work for a few minutes and ran over to the mall to pick it up. Of course, I had to try it on with my engagement ring, you know, just to see what it looked like. It's a slim little band with princess cut diamonds across it. Matches pretty well with my engagement ring.
Won't be long now...
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Day 123
A few days ago, when I was at a loss for a photo to post, I photographed one of the two Precious Moments I put out for Spring. Well, today I'm drawing a blank for photo ideas again, so I thought I'd take a pic of the second figurine I have out. Obviously, it's called Life is Sweeter With You...
When I got this, I thought the sentiment was sweet, and I loved the lemons and lemonade theme of it. But now it takes on a whole new meaning, because I was a girl who had almost given up on having a boy to make life sweeter with, but I'm so glad that I didn't, because now I do!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Day 122
I have been so looking forward to changing out purses into my last year's Spring/Summer bag. I always hang on to purses, but seldom actually reuse them. But this Fossil bag was so cute, I was ready to reuse this one for sure. But, upon closer inspection, it looked like it could use a wash before I let it out for the season. So yesterday I threw it into the wash, and then dried it tonight. Just about the time Rob got home from work, I took it out of the dryer to find this...a completely shredded bag. My heart I tried not to cry over a silly purse...a Fossil purse...but just a purse.
What a disappointment...or is it? Maybe it's an opportunity to buy a new bag? We'll see!
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